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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How To Find Notes-Can You Speak My Language? Tip on Buying Notes

By Dean Engle

Do you remember that 1981 hit from "Men at Work called Land Down Under?" (OK, so I was a big Men-at-Work fan, I admit.)

I recieved an email from a Korean by the name of Joe and it reminded me of the show.

What Does This Have To Do With Buying Notes?

The story that Joe shared with me involvd on of the most important lessons in the business of how to find notes. Your relationships matter.

In fact, not only do relationships matter, but "commonalities" matter. In other words, what you want to do when you're trying to find notes is to find out ways to build ties with your seller.

These commonalities can be a number of things, they can be social, sports-related, cultural. Any type of activity can be a good point of commonality. Some examples are sports, hobbies, favorite pastimes, favorite foods, music, etc.

Joe's Little Gem of A Story On How To Find Notes

Here's what he wrote to me today:

"I own a Korean Investment Club, and last week I was approached by a big Korean bank. They wanted me to the buy the notes from the person that was in charge of defaulted mortgages. Because of my lack of understanding, I'm not ready to think about buying notes yet. The first trust deed had a face value of about $2.7 million including interest, and the the property was a 79 room motel with restaurants. The Bank asked me to offer any amount for the note. Now I am very interested in buying the notes. This property is well worth over $4.1 million. What do I need to do? Thank you for your help."

What is the situation here?

We have a big Korean Bank that has just sent out a very good lead. And we have Joe-the owner of a Korean Real Estate Investment Club.

Does Joe Know Anything About Buying Notes?

No - he admits as much in the first line of his email. So do you think that he pitched to this big Investment Bank that he would be the perfect guy to buy their non performing notes?

No - this note buying opportunity just "landed" in his lap. And from what he writes, they're offering to him to make "any" offer on that note.

Now try to not to focus on the the great opportunity that has been offered to Joe, who might be albe to make a low bid on this note. Don't focus on the fact that he might be able to foreclose on a $4 million dollar motel.

But hang on a minute. I want to point out something that is so simple when you are trying to find notes, that you probably glossed over it already, thinking that you're supposed to be looking for something more complicated.

What kind of a bank is this? Korean. And where's Joe from? Korea.

It shouldn't be a surprise that this note, which is a California property happens to find its way to Joe.

Tips on Finding Notes

Remember when you are trying to find notes, banks often want to sell notes to people that they can talk to.

Most of the time, the people that they can talk to have other similarities. They might look like them, talk like them, do business like them, live like them, or enteretain themselves just like them.

The Korean Investment Bank preferred to work with Joe because he was one of them. Even if a well known investor walked into that bank trying to find notes, they wouldn't have gotten the same reception as Joe did. The bank automatically felt comfortable doing business with Joe, a process that would be a lot longer for you and ame.

So start applying this note buying tip today.

Find those commonalities between You and your Sellers

Try to find someone who speaks your language, and see if they have any notes for sale.

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What You Can Do To Get Help In a Home Foreclosure

By John Hocking

One of the biggest mistakes that individuals make when faced with foreclosure is failing to communicate on a regular basis with their mortgage company and thus providing a great source of home foreclosure help for people. The mortgage company almost always wants to avoid a loan getting to the point of foreclosure because it costs the mortgage company a lot in lawyers fees and court costs which they would not have to pay in home foreclosure help if they can work something out with the individual who is trying to keep their home.

There are free home foreclosure help organizations that are provided by the government and non-profit agencies that can advise individuals and even help to communicate with the mortgage companies for the home foreclosure help individual if it is needed.

You should take each step, one at a time. If you know that you are not going to be able to make a payment on your mortgage, whether this be an originally agreed fee when you started the plan or a fee when you have arranged to pay a set amount, you will need to speak with your mortgage company. You could even write to the, but the main thing is to let them know about your situation. Then you will be able to seek appropriate help for your situation.

Often, if he has been paying regularly and on time in the past so that the company has good record of his payments, they will be willing to let a payment or two go by in order to allow him time home foreclosure help to find another job.

One way that the mortgage firm are able to help people who are close to home foreclosure will be to utilize this tactic. Reducing the amount payable and even suspending some of the payments on the loan agreement, the company can prevent you from risking home foreclosure.

During the forbearance, or even during every stage of the process, individuals should check in with the mortgage company at least once per month to inform them of the progress of the home foreclosure help and show that they are doing all they can on their side to help stop foreclosure.

It is usually the individuals who choose to ignore the mortgage company and possibly abandon their homes who are the ones who end up facing foreclosure on their property as this wont be home foreclosure help.

For those who have initially financed their homes on an ARM, one way to home foreclosure help is to work with the mortgage company to refinance the loan at a lower, fixed rate that the individual can afford to pay.

If this is not an option, individuals can also do a home foreclosure help sale of their house so that it never reaches the point of foreclosure. This can provide the means of paying off the remaining amount of the loan, getting home foreclosure help for people and to get out of the house without further damage to credit.

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What to do About those Debt Collectors

By Cliff Pape

If you've fallen behind on your bills, it's tough enough trying to get back on your feet without those debt collectors constantly calling you - don't you have rights? What can you do to stop the harassment?

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act provides you with some rights and protections. Learn your rights and take advantage of them. This law covers debts from auto loans, credit cards and medical expenses.

Rules that a debt collector must follow when contacting you about an unpaid bill:

1. They may not call you after 8PM or before 9AM, unless you have agreed to this.

2. A debt collector is not allowed to call you at work.

3. Debt collectors may not harass you with ceaseless calls.

4. No verbal abuse. A debt collector may not use threatening or profane language when contacting you about a debt. A debt collector may not falsely imply that you have committed a crime by failing to pay a bill.

5. No informing friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members about a debt. A debt collector may contact people that know you, but only to find out your address, your phone number, and where you work. In most cases, a debt collector may not tell anyone other than you or your attorney that you owe money.

6. Debt collectors are not allowed to try to collect more money than the actual amount of the debt.

7. Debt collectors are not allowed to threaten you with arrest or with lawsuits, unless they are genuinely going to file suit against you.

8. Debt collectors are required to give you notice of your debt in writing within five days of trying to contact you. This notice must contain the amount of the debt and the name of the creditor to whom it is owed, as well as telling you what to do if you believe that this debt has been reported in error.

9. Debt collectors must honor your written request to stop contacting you if this request is made within 30 days of your receipt of their written notice of the debt.

If you believe that the debt has been reported in error, be sure to say so in your letter to the debt collector. Of course, a debt will not simply disappear just because the debt collectors have stopped calling -either they or the creditor may still sue you for the debt that you owe.

10. Any disputed debt must be verified by the debt collector, with a written verification of the debt being provided to you. Until you receive this written verification, the debt collector must cease their attempts to collect - after they provide this to you they may continue attempting to collect the debt.

If a debt collector breaks any of these rules, report them to the Federal Trade Commission (877-382-4357) or to your state attorney general's office. Each state has its own regulations governing collections; the attorney general's office in your state can fill you in on the laws applicable in your state.

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Is bankruptcy a matter of public record?

By Josh Ramos

People who are considering bankruptcy often hesitate for a number of reasons. They may be worried about the long-term consequences like not being able to obtain credit or buy a house in the near future. However, for some people the shame that supposedly comes with bankruptcy is one of the main concerns.

The most important question you must ask yourself is whether bankruptcy is a right option for you. In order to decide this, you will need to look at your financial situation carefully and discuss your options with a lawyer.

First of all, it is important to understand what bankruptcy is. Bankruptcy is a legitimate option for those who have found themselves overwhelmed by consumer debt and are unable to pay. If you can't see yourself paying off your debts within the next few years (as long as you are willing to make some reasonable sacrifices in your budget), then you should definitely consider bankruptcy.

If, on the other hand, you could pay off your debt in a few years by making some sacrifices and adjusting your monthly budget, then you may not need to go as far as declaring bankruptcy.

It will affect your credit, but if your financial circumstances are severe enough for you to consider bankruptcy, you probably don't care that much about your credit. It isn't something to take lightly, of course, and you will need to go through all of your options very carefully before making the leap.

You credit can be improved over time if you use your second chance to change your financial habits and instill some discipline in your spending.

Once again, it's okay to be saddened about your financial situation, and you should ask yourself what changes you need to make in your life to help prevent this from happening again. However, you don't need to be embarrassed for the rest of your life, even though some friends or relatives may be critical of your decision.

Ultimately, you must choose what is best for you and your family, even if it might embarrass you a little bit in front of your friends. Bankruptcy may be a matter of public record, but it can also be a way out for those who are financially in need.

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Get Rich the American Way - Real Estate

By Mark English

Owning Private Property has always been a dream of all the "Huddle Masses" that have come to our shores. A place of Your own is not just a home to live in, but can also be a means of production. In 1862 we passed the Homestead Act which gave, FREE of charge, 160 acres to any settler who would live on and cultivate the land for a minimum of five years. The total net worth of many westerners today has its foundation in the land granted their ancestors by the Homestead Act. Fathers, Mothers, Grand Fathers, and Grand Mothers have worked their land for the last 150 years. As the railroads galloped across the plains and mountains, many profited by developing the land or selling it. Real Estate was, and is, the foundation upon which our land, our families, our society, and our economy are built on. Real Estate is still the best investment for a solid financial future. Please, call us at 303-674-0148, Email us at , or visit us on the web at ; and we will find You, Your piece of America here in the Rocky Mountains, by purchasing EVERGREEN COLORADO REAL ESTATE. We can also finance it with an EVERGREEN COLORADO MORTGAGE or a CONIFER COLORADO HOME LOAN.

A home of our own has become the number one dream of the American people. The desire to have a place to go, where after a long days work is done we can have peace, and rest for our weary bones is ingrained into the American psyche. Our home, for most of us, will be the most expensive purchase we will make in our life time. Here in the Rocky Mountains, west of Denver, we will need an EVERGREEN COLORADO HOME LOAN to help us afford our mountain retreat. MARK ENGLISH REAL ESTATE can help you find, and finance your private enclave here in the Evergreen or Conifer Mountains; where you can rejuvenate your soul each day, and prepare for the day to come. But there is more to our home than just a building; we are also joining a community.

One for the special pleasures You will enjoy when you buy EVERGREEN COLORADO REAL ESTATE is the vibrant community atmosphere here in Evergreen. Downtown Evergreen is a delightful, quaint little village. The charming shops and curiously familiar restaurants have that special resort feel. Take a stroll around Evergreen Lake and drink in the surrounding Rocky Mountain vistas that wall the valley where this pristine lake rests. The seasons drift by each with its own personality: the spring bounty with the elk calf's crossing the highway, the cool summer nights when ever star in God's heaven it twinkling, the autumn aspens fiery yellow leaves excite the heart, and the crackling Christmas air that carries the sweet aroma of the Yule Log burning the warm fireplace. The people are friendly, the weather is perfect, the commute is short, and life is good. Please, give us a call and we will find You that little piece of Rocky Mountain heaven in Evergreen Colorado. We are MARK ENGLISH REAL ESTATE and DISCOUNT MORTGAGES SERVICES.

EVERGREEN COLORADO REAL ESTATE is located just 30 miles from the middle of downtown Denver. We have all the amenities of city living without the congestion, hassle, and crime of the big city. You will be living with the eagle, high in the majestic Rockies, and still only 45 minutes from Broadway. DIA international airport is an hour away, and skiing in the Colorado champagne powder is only an hour in the opposite direction. Give us a call at MARK ENGLISH REAL ESTATE and we will show you how to live in this mountain paradise and we will find you an EVERGREEN COLORADO HOME LOAN or a CONIFER COLORADO HOME LOAN to finance you new mountain mansion. In these uncertain economic times, your own home is still the best investment you can make.

The internet is virtually overflowing with ads about how to start your own home business. They are offering everything from health care products, to auto fuel additives. But the best home business is to invest in rental property. The tax advantages, the equity build up, and the limited amount of time involved make it the best choice. Many Americans are investing a set portion of their salary each pay check in stocks, bonds and CD's. Every one that I have spoken to has lost all their equity, and a hefty part of their principal, with the Wall Street crowd. It's time we seriously took a herd look at investing with the big investment houses. Many of them are themselves broke, and they have sadly let down all their clients. Plopping money in the lap of Wall Street each pay check and expecting them to fund your retirement is just not practical. Investing in EVERGREEN COLORADO REAL ESTATE is a much wiser move. When You invest in rental property you are starting a small business and your returns are profits not dividends. You are earning the money, you are an entrepreneur and in the end you will be richer. We are MARK ENGLISH REAL ESTATE and we can educate You and help you to get started. We will find the best property and we will help You finance it with an EVERGREEN COLORADO HOME LOAN or a CONIFER COLORADO HOME LOAN.

The Treasury Department is giving You a bail out right here on Main Street. They have lowered the interest rates to historic lows. A 30 year fixed rate is about 5 " % for loans up to $417k. Just think, if you got an EVERGREEN COLORADO MORTGAGE REFINANCE or a CONIFER COLORADO REFINANCE, and lowered your monthly payment by $150.00, and reinvested the whole savings by paying down the principal on your loan, you would be making 5 " % returns on the money you save, by saving the interest on your mortgage. Now, if You further took your 401k money and paid additional principal on you EVERGREEN COLORADO MORTGAGE, you would be earning 5 "% on your 401k as well; after all a penny saved is a penny earned.

One of the unique advantages of investing in EVERGREEN COLORADO REAL ESTATE is that you can leverage your investment by borrowing a large part of your investment. Leveraging will also increase your profit percentage on actual cash invested, and creates an effective hedge against inflation. If you buy a $300,000 house and put down 20 % or $60,000, and the property increases at 3 % a year you will make $9000.00 on your investment of $60,000 in cash or a return of 15 %. So if the rents do nothing but break even, you will still earn 15 % over the long haul. If You need an EVERGREEN COLORADO REFINANCE loan or an CONIFER COLORADO REFINANCE loan to get you started, we can help you through DISCOUNT MORTGAGE SERVICES. If you invested further by paying principal with your 401k money, you can earn even more by saving the interest rate of your mortgage loan. Contact us and we will educate you and advise you.

If you bought EVERGREEN COLORADO REAL ESTATE for $300,000 as a rental investment, and if you put down $60,000.00 or 20%, you would owe $1840.00 a month for principal, interest, taxes and insurance, and management. If the rents were $1500.00 a month and your expenses are1840.00 a month the negative cost is $340.00 a month. But you can deduct the $340.00 or $4080.00 per annuim ($340.00 X 12 = 4080). If the land was worth 40,000, you could depreciate the investment by $9630.00 each year plus your taxable loss of $4080.00. Now we have a deduction for $13,710.00 ($9630.00 + $4080.00 = $13710.00 0. If you are in the 27 % tax bracket you will save $3838.00 or $320.00 a month on your taxes. So the investment house will cost you $20.00 a month. Now, as the rents increase over time, and the tenants pay off your $240,000.00 EVERGREEN COLORADO MORTGAGE, your will own the house in 30 years, and can either sell it for retirement cash, or keep it as a mortgage free home, and use the rent income for spending money. In a stock market where most people lost not only their dividends, but also all or most of their principal, Real Estate is still the number one long term investment.

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Exploring the Benefits of Small Business Credit Cards

By Dewey Finn

Small business credit cards were designed to help those families and individuals who often have difficulty getting their credit lines required when operating their own business. Owning a small business sparks major interest these days with the banks and those with bad credit who are considered risky candidates for credit lines, may still be eligible for a credit card.

In this article, we are going to review some of the credit cards for small business, what they offer and why some cards are not your best options.

Tips on Finding the Best card for your Business Credit needs?

There are many businesses today battling the problems of obtaining the items they need to operate their business. There is sometimes a shortage on cash flow and they will need to get necessities for their company.

When this is a problem, a business type credit card may be the right answer. This is a way a business can get the financial help they need so they do not loose out on the things that are important for turning an profit. A credit card is a great way to finance the things you need when there is no extra cash available.

There are many accessories and supplies a business needs to make things happen. They need paper, software, raw materials, equipment, and many other things crucial to their business success. When something is required, a business rewards credit card can be the answer so that they are not missing out on great opportunities in purchasing but also earn points with their card.

A credit card should be a smart financial decision. You need to make sure you are getting a card with a good interest rate. You will not want to pay a fortune in interest rates when you are trying to get started or keep running with great expectations.

With the right credit card, any company can get to where they need to go and have no worries. When you do use a business card for credit, it is important to make sure you pay down the balance on the card each month.

Do not allow the balance to grow too high and become unmanagable as each month goes by and the unpaid balance grows higher and higher. It can be impossible to pay off as you would like and this can be force a financial crisis in your business.

It is important for you to compare credit card offers for use in your business. You will want to get one that fits your business needs, low-interest and reduce your risk. There is nothing wrong with taking your time and making the best business and financial decision for your needs. You will want a high credit limit with a low rate of interest to keep your business going with a great success rate.

Operating your small business these days definitely requires credit and that usually means a card. We have researched thousands of offers and tops among all recommendations is paying off your outstanding balance completely each month.

American Express Business cards allow you to earn points and can be Free of any fees along with no pre-set spending limit or finance Charges. Another advantage is the discounts with FedEx, Delta, Courtyard by Marriott, and others.

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How To Fix Your Credit Problem

By Landon McGehee

The term "bad credit" does not mean no credit. It actually means that any credit you may be able to get is at a much higher cost. Because you may have been through some tough times financially in the past results in astronomically high rates of interest. But rest assured that there are ways that you can "repair" your credit.This article will address three of these, the best for you depending upon how extreme your circumstances are.

Your problem: Your credit report contains information that is just wrong. Method #1: Contact the credit bureaus and make enquirers.

You have asked for a copy of your current credit report from each of the three credit bureaus. You discover, to your horror, that there are some entries made by past lenders that are negative. This could be a mistake on their part, for example, it may state that you still have an outstanding amount on a loan when you know that the loan has been paid off - and you have actual proof! A well-constructed letter to the credit bureaus, including your evidence, should take care of this problem.

Problem: You have a number of overdraft fees. Method #2: Choose your bank carefully.

Multiple overdraft fees on a checking account are a source of discomfort on their own. If the credit bureaus discover that you have them (usually the bank will tell them), it will make things worse as it will damage your credit rating. It is an unfortunate fact that it is far too easy to withdraw more money than you may have in your account from an ATM. If your bank offers "bounce protection", they then manage to obtain another overdraft fee from you at around $20 to $35 each time. No wonder that they encourage you to take out this protection!

We all know that the wise thing to do is to check your account before you withdraw any money, but because we are always in a rush, that very rarely happens. To avoid this problem, you should use a bank that doesn't have the "bounce protection" as an automatic addition to accounts, so that, if you don't have the money in your account, the ATM won't give it to you! This will help you avoid those dreaded overdraft fees.

Problem: Low ceiling on your line of credit Method #3: Obtain a sub-prime merchandise card.

Financial problems such as poor credit history in your past are interfering with your chances of obtaining credit for the future. Life becomes more difficult if you cannot even find someone or some institutions that grant consumer loans.

The most effective way to boost your line of credit without crippling yourself financially is to obtain a sub-prime merchandise card. This is a card that allows you to purchase items from one merchandiser, which is usually the one from whom you purchased it, through a line of credit. You are asked to pay a deposit on items you buy with the rest being put on the card.

The sub-prime merchandise card has the advantage in that it tells the credit bureaus that you have a new line of credit, which in turn reflects positively on your credit report.

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Where to Find Bad Credit Mortgage

By Anne Ahira

Obtaining the house is a great big contract but it is something that everyone wishes of finishing at many purpose. Unluckily, sometimes people bring about financial fault that able to plague them for years.

Those privates may not have comprehended the damage, that they had done to their credit score plus thereby their buying strength. However, all dreams is not misplaced. There are Bad Credit Mortgage loans presented for privates who fail into this class.

There are specific borrowers who concentrate in progression a bad credit mortgage. However, you will want to take care to make certain that you are finishing with the highly regarded lender. There are nasty bad credit mortgage borrowers out there so you demand to be careful to confirm he credentials and history of your potential borrower.

The only technique that you are will afford obtain a house is by acquiring a mortgage. So, if you don't acquire the execellent credit to receive one you would need to look into a bad credit mortgage loan. These loans have been particularly made for particulars who do not have good credit rankings.

A bad credit mortgage typically has a higher interest rate than a traditional home loan. This information is determined by the mortgage company looking at your credit score, your debt to income ratio, your current income, and the amount of money that you are looking to borrow.

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Fast Ways To Increase Your Mortgage Loan Modification Chances

By James Drake

Now, we will look at a couple of ideas to increase your chances of obtaining a loan modification You can increase your chances of success by using some of these little known secrets Let's go into the mortgage loan modification insider tips.

If you want to get your mortgage loan modification approved, you have to prove financial hardship. First, write a financial hardship letter to your lender. In this letter, you explain your financial problems. Also, make sure you tell your bank what measures you will take to improve your state of affairs. Finally, write that you are committed to staying a home owner.

Set up a new budget, so you free up money to make monthly payments. If you know your expendable cash flow, you can determine a realistic monthly payment. Reassure the bank that can pay that amount now and will be able to keep it up in the near future.

Inform your lender about your financial situation by filling out the necessary financial statements. Never try to omit information and be meticulous when filling out the forms. Make the lenders job easy by submitting a complete financial statement including a financial offer for the future.

If you're applying for mortgage loan modification, plan ahead and do your research. If you know the approval criteria, you drastically step-up your chances of success. Know that time is not your ally when doing mortgage loan modification. You're responsible for doing the necessary steps in order to save your home!

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Contributing Enough Money To Your 401K Plan

By David C Lewis, RFA

If you are making an irregular 401k contribution, then you may want to start using a retirement calculator before you put any more money away for your future.

A retirement calculator can really help you determine the amount of money you need to start saving for retirement. There are many on the Internet that you can use for free. The trick is finding one that will give you the most amount of information.

Some financial calculators only give you a basic idea of what you will need. They do not take into account taxes on your 401K when you withdraw funds, or variability in investment returns over 20 or 30 years. I know you may want a simple answer, but in this case, the more complex the calculator, the better.

Choose your calculator carefully. Being able to see what it will truly take to retire comfortably may be worth it. The alternative is finding out when it's too late that you don't have enough money saved.

Withdrawals and taxes are a major concern at some point in time. After all, that's what you are saving the money for, right? You may find incredibly difficult to do this, but give it your best try. To get you started, assume that taxes will not decrease over time.

Most people realize this, implicitly. Taxes, like death, are said to be unavoidable. Whether or not you believe this, it is probably a good idea to make them part of your financial plan. Consider whether you would value a smaller lump sum of money that is tax free (like a Roth IRA) or if you would rather have a slightly larger nest egg that is 100% taxable (like a traditional IRA).

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Poor Credit Card

By Dan Moskel

A poor credit credit card is one that does not have difficult approval requirements. Different types include unsecured, secured, shopping, and prepaid credit cards.

Unsecured cards offer you a line of credit and often come with high fees ranging from $150-$200.

With a low credit score, each of these cards will unfortunately have fees. An unsecured card is the riskiest type, so they will therefore have the highest fees.

To receive a secured card, you must open and deposit money into an account. The credit limit on your card will be equal to the amount of your deposit, which is used to secure the card.

Secured cards work the same way as unsecured card-you will have monthly bills and an interest rate. If you close your account on good terms, your deposit, which earns interest for you, is fully refundable.

Both unsecured and secured credit cards report your activity to the major credit bureaus. A shopping card is another credit card choice.

This card we do not recommend! It will only be accepted at a certain retailer which is often another part of the credit card company.

In other words, you may face higher merchandise costs as well as either a monthly membership charge or large down payment. In addition, shopping cards usually only report to one of the credit bureaus.

The last option is the prepaid debit card. This is similar to a bank card or checking account. You can deposit funds by direct deposit and pay your bills using a feature called bill pay.

This type of card may have fees associated with it, so pay careful attention. For example, one of the most popular prepaid debit cards charges a $1.00 convenience fee for every purchase you make using the card.

Those with poor credit scores see a reduced number of options when it comes to credit, but people have negative items removed from their credit reports every day.

You don't have to live with the high cost of bad credit, even if your credit report is damaged. By contacting the credit bureaus and having negative items removed, you won't have to wait seven years for them to be taken off of your report.

Even though you may have a low credit score, you do have credit card options. However, when choosing a card, be sure to investigate the associated fees and whether or not the card will report to all three of the major credit bureaus.

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How To Create Home Solar Energy

By Daniel Shermann

Everyone has a role to play in saving our environment. If you have decided to do your part in saving the environment, you can try switching to home solar energy. First and foremost, kudos to you! Solar energy for the home is one of the most practicable ways just about any regular person can do in the crusade to save the world's dwindling energy natural resources. Here are some basic tips you have to know in order to solar power your home:

Step 1: Do your research

When planning to buy anything, the most logical consumers would first do a bit of research regarding product. The same consumer attitude should apply when deciding to shop for a home solar energy system. Basic considerations include:

- How much money are you willing to spend in solar powering your home? - In what part of my home will I place my solar energy system? Do I need to renovate part of my house to make room for all the equipments of the solar system? Will there be any major aesthetic changes made to my home once the system is put into place? - What part of my home is the sun able to maximally reach? (Most preferred and logical location for panels is the roof although there are a few homeowners who choose to place their panels adjacent to their homes.) Step 2: Custom fit

Do you want to solar power your entire home or only a part of it? If you plan to have enough solar energy for only a certain room (e.g. living room only) of your house just to offset your increasing electric bill, there are companies that sell equipments piece by piece.

Some companies also offer complete custom fit home solar energy systems that are suitable for homeowners who have decided to solar power their entire residence. Custom fitting your system is recommended in this case because the company has the necessary knowledge on how to maximize the use of your system.

Step 3: Solar Power Contractor

In choosing your solar dealer, longevity in the business is a key factor. The size of a solar power company is irrelevant; what is more important is their experience in installing and maintaining their systems.

Do your assignment. Ask as many possible past and present consumers about their experience with companies. Take down notes and information to help you make a wiser decision regarding your solar dealer.

Step 4: Solar bidding evaluation

Solar energy companies will provide biddings in their attempt to lure customers. It is your responsibility, as an astute consumer, to make sure that all the biddings follow the same criteria for fair evaluation.

Be sure to read about installation process and cost, primary equipments and accessories used, and warranties offered by each home solar energy dealer. For water solar heating systems, information about estimations of yearly energy saved in kilowatts per hour should be stated. Electrical solar system bids should include information about system size and yearly energy produced. Make sure that all of the dealers have met all legal requirements in your locality and tax credit applications.

These are the basic yet very important facts about solar energy. Now, may you be guided in your selection and thank you for supporting solar power!

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Technical Analysis

By Walter Fox

Technical Analysis is a technique for forecasting the direction of stock prices based on past market data. Itas simplest form takes only two variables into account: 1) price, and 2) volume. At this level, Technical Analysis is an overly simplified statistical analysis of market trends, and while many people have claimed positive results, it does not stand up to the scrutiny of academic mathematicians.

Over the past years, technical analysts have argued that a company's specific data affects the price and value of their stocks, therefore making fundamental analysis unnecessary. The method of fundamental analysis utilizes a comprehensive company profile to predict future trends.

The objective of technical analysis is to increase an investoras profit by predicting future market trends instead of guessing. Using similar data in a different way, fundamental analysis creates the same result. The goal of technical analysis is to provide a simple mathematic gauge to help make investment decisions easier.

One of the typical graph patterns used by professional technical analysts to make trading decisions is the, aHead and Shoulders.a Two similar-sized peaks with a higher center peak are graphic indicators. These patterns may not be mathematically valid, argue some critics, but the result of the psychological predisposition of humans to form patterns in a random geographical area.

Though technical analysts aim to objectively measure market trends, subjective bias may cause quantitative data to be overlooked. Attributing more or less weight to some statistical patterns or favoring certain charting methods are some factors that can limit quantitative prediction of the market.

The future of Technical Analysis, and Fundamental Analysis too, is giving way to the power and promise of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Machine learning does what all analysis systems attempted "automate the decision-making process" but without the limitation of how much data could be physical processed.

Unlike an analyst, a computer can pick up miniscule details that on the surface seem unrelated to the trend being evaluated. Additionally, is not predisposed to identify false patterns. Computers can identify trends of any size, though analysts tend to look for just the larger trends.

Whether machine learning will replace Technical Analysis, or will be used as a tool to improve it, it is likely that many existing analytical paradigms will become less relevant as our tools become better, and reveal the shortcomings of our prior techniques.

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Unlocked Cell Phones to save you money

By Jimmy Gee

An increasing number of people are becoming more and more interested in unlocked cell phones. What are they? Well, like the term itself implies, they have simply been unlocked. That means that you will be able to use them either as prepaid or pay as you go cell phones, or you can use your unlocked phone on another network.

A lot of networks will only let certain phones be used on their network. This hardly seems fair. You are not allowed to take your phone with you if you decide to switch providers. This is one case in which a cell phone user might want to get his or her phone unlocked. Trust, there are ways you can do so. You do not have to be bullied by the networks.

Now, why would people want their cell phones unlocked just because they want to move to another network? Well, just think about it, really think about it. We use our cell phones a lot these days. We have pictures, videos, and contact information on them. We have names, numbers, and all kinds of information saved on our cell phones.

Unfortunately, some service providers make this extremely difficult. If you do not want to renew your contract or if you want to get out of it early, then you are basically out of luck - sort of. It does not matter that the phone is yours. If you are not willing to, say, use your iPhone on the AT&T network, then you cannot use the phone. At least, that is what certain service providers would like you to believe.

These days, however, you can fight back. There are software programs out there which can unlock your cell phone for you. There are also people who can do it. In fact, there are some stores and companies, et cetera, which specialize in unlocking cell phones so people can use them with whichever network they see fit.

Think about it. Why should any network be able to tell you where and when to use your phone, not to mention with whom? Money is typically at the root of this problem. When a network has sole rights over a phone every cell phone user wants to have, they have a very lucrative situation on their hands.

Now, like say, there are many other ways you can use your cell phone once it has been unlocked. You can use it as a prepaid cell phone, which is ideal if you do not use it or talk on it that much. You can also sign up with another network.

Do not be intimidated by service providers who want to tell you that you cannot use your cell phone with anyone but them. Learn how to get your cell phone unlocked, so you can use your phone how you like.

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High Risk Unsecured Personal Loans

By Rick Berrett

If you have no credit or bad credit, there are high risk unsecured personal loans that can be obtained. Many people need these types of loans to do things such as buy a car, pay medical bills, consolidate loans or to manage unexpected financial setbacks.

In order for lending institutions to be able to help applicants with these types of situations is based on the applicants character history, earning potential and debt-to-income ratio. You would think that high risk unsecured personal loans would be a difficult thing for you to receive approval for. But that isn't the case.

One thing that lending institutions need to do is protect there investment. They also need to serve the consumer. One of the best way for them to do both is by charging a high interest rate.

It's comforting to know that when these situations arise there is a way for you to get back on your feet. There are ways for you to you benefit from a high risk personal loan even though you'll be paying higher interest rates and higher monthly payments.

Since this type of loan is geared toward consumers that have less then perfect credit, that consumer can use the credit as a way to rebuild their credit history. These types of unsecured personal agreements can help the consumer establish a relationship of trust with a lender by paying back on time and without default.

There are many places a consumer can turn to get information on lending institutions and financial assistance. It's during times of special needs that a consumer can receive benefits from a high risk unsecured personal loan. But the benefits may very well outweigh the financial requirements.

By doing some credit repair before you apply for an unsecured loan could mean paying lower interest and getting better terms. One way to do this is to request a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus and check for any errors. If there are errors, fill out a dispute form and be consistent with any follow up that is needed.

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Unsecured Credit Cards in Canada - Are they the Right Decision

By Danny Griswald

If you have held a Canadian credit card before, you may be familiar with the terminology involved with them, such as secured, unsecured, limit and debt. Whether you have or have not held a credit card before, it is a reasonable and wise idea to do your research before-hand and be certain about which type of card is right for you and your needs.

There are so many different offers out there that it may take some time to sort through the varying promotions, interest rates, terms and conditions, etc., but it will be worth it in the end to know that you have chosen the right card.

When you are making the decision to apply for an unsecured Canadian credit card , what you are looking for is a free and clear credit card that requires no damage deposit and is not a prepaid card. It generally means that your credit is in good standing because you do not need to pay in advance for the right to use the credit card. You will be given a reasonable limit, lower at first, and will also be given the chance to slowly increase the credit limit on the card.

If you have had a lot of credit troubles in the past it may be difficult for you to obtain an unsecured credit card. One way to "redeem" your credit is to make regular payments and purchases on a secured credit card. So, the choice is made and you've opted for unsecured. You will be asked your credit history, banking information, and work history on your credit card application. By filling out the application you are allowing the providers to search your credit history. Once they have approved you, there will be a set limit at your disposal. This is where the "how it works and how to use it" information becomes important.

Having a Canadian credit card is like having to prove yourself at the office. You're given a little bit of responsibility at a time and once you've shown how well you handle it you are given more. Slow, gradual increases allow you to get used to the extra job load.

This is very similar to credit card use. You are able to make purchases on your credit card only being charged a low annual interest fee per month on the balance that you have accrued. Once you have shown that you can make regular, monthly minimum payments you will be given the option of increasing your limit. This can be a very valuable credit builder on your behalf.

What you want to avoid, however, is getting in over your head with excessive spending without making the required payments. Many people find it necessary, for whatever reason, to spend beyond their means. Perhaps a spouse has lost their job or you were a bit short this month. This is definitely an area where credit cards come in handy.

However, to be truly effective and to be used properly one must manage these situations on the whole. Any provider or lender is able to offer you sound advice on how to build a strong credit rating and a financial advisor is able to give you monthly budgeting advice that will help you to stay on track and use your credit cards so they benefit you in the future. Using your card right means you can manage the amount you spend with your monthly budget.

The lenders of an unsecured credit card, a card that suggests you do not need collateral, expect this management from you. It's not that you can make purchases, even extravagant purchases, it's about what you do afterwards that affects your future. In fact, credit card companies make their money by you making purchases and are even happy for their customers to carry a balance. Carrying a balance ensures them interest fees on whatever the balance of the account is. This is "what's in it for them".

An unsecured credit card is deemed to be the kind of card you want having fewer boundaries and no prepayments. This is not an unattainable card for those who have had credit problems in the past.

In today's credit market there are many lenders willing to offer unsecured credit cards even to those who have struggled with repayments. Believe me, there are many in this category. It is amazing how quickly people can get "over their heads". Without even being frivolous life can stack up on you and deal you difficult blows. When a credit card may be the only option for survival that stops to think ahead.

But alas, someone has done the thinking for you. A few wrong turns do not take you out to pasture anymoreunsecured credit cards are readily available without hassles or limits to anyone. You will, of course, have to find a lender that offers credit cards to those with "poor" credit histories. Online alone, there are literally hundreds of websites with willing lenders. Do not let poor credit history prevent you from reestablishing yourself.

It's an interesting paradoxsome people never get credit cards because they believe in buying only what they can afford to pay for and think that they never want to 'rack up a card' and establish a poor credit rating. Valiant thoughts, but having a credit card or a small personal loan are in fact what give us a credit rating. Showing that we can pay off small amounts at a time, on time, demonstrates to lenders that we are responsible and capable of managing our credit, thus establishing it!

In the future, when you want to make a purchase such as a car or even a house this established credit history is what enables lenders to recognize your capability to repay. Even if you have had trouble in the past reestablishing your credit in a positive way can still open up many doors for you. Fortunately, there are a number of lenders willing to help you reestablish and rebuild your financial future.

In a fairy tale world, none of us would need credit cards because we could readily afford all that we need. However, as we all know, there are no fairy tale endings here.only the ones we establish for ourselves.

Using your Canadian credit cards wisely is something that will benefit your financial future. If you have any uncertainty about how to establish a credit rating, manage a budget, reestablish your credit, or apply for credit cards your online resources are endless. It is a simple process that consists of an application form and an approval from the lender.

A few small steps and you are on the path to a better financial future!

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Tic investing for Boomers.

By John krol

Boomers Bank In investment finance, private equity real estate is an asset class consisting of equity and debt investments in property. Investments typically involve an active management strategy ranging from moderate reposition or releasing of properties to development or extensive redevelopment. Investments are typically made via private equity real estate fund, a collective investment scheme, which pools capital from investors. These funds typically have ten-year life span consisting of a 2-3 year investment period during which properties are acquired and a holding period during which active asset management will be carried out and the properties will be sold.

History and evolution There is a long history of institutional investment in real estate both through direct ownership of property and through pooled investment funds. Initially institutional real estate investments were in core real estate, however, market conditions in the early 1990s led to the emergence of opportunistic funds which aimed to take advantage of falling property prices to acquire assets at significant discounts.[1] Private equity real estate emerged as an independent asset class in the beginning of the 21st century and has experienced huge growth in recent years. Strategies Private equity real estate funds generally follow core-plus, value added, or opportunistic strategies when making investments.

Core Plus: This is a moderate risk/moderate return strategy. The fund will generally invest in core properties, however some of these properties will require some form of enhancement or value-added element. Value Added: This is a medium-to-high risk/medium-to-high return strategy. It will involve buying a property, improving it in some way, and selling it at an opportune time for a gain. Properties are considered value added when they exhibit management or operational problems, require physical improvement, and/or suffer from capital constraints.

Opportunistic: This is a high risk/high return strategy. The properties will require a high degree of enhancement. This strategy may also involve investments in development, raw land, and niche property sectors. Investments are tactical. Features Considerations for investing in private equity real estate funds relative to other forms of investment

Include: Substantial entry costs, with most funds requiring significant initial investment (usually upwards of $1,000,000) plus further investment for the first few years of the fund. Investments in limited partnership interests (which is the dominant legal form of private equity real estate funds) are referred to as "illiquid" investment's, which should earn a premium over traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. Once invested, it is very difficult to gain access to your money, as it is locked-up in long-term investments, which can last for as long as twelve years. Distributions are made only as investments are converted to cash; limited partners typically have no right to demand that sales be made. If a private equity real estate firm can't find suitable investment opportunities, it will not draw on an investor's commitment. Given the risks associated with private equity real estate investments, an investor can lose all of its investment if the fund performs badly.

For the above-mentioned reasons, private equity fund investment is for those who can afford to have their capital locked in for long periods of time and who are able to risk losing significant amounts of money. This is balanced by the potential benefits of annual returns, which are often above 20% for successful opportunistic funds. Investors in private equity real estate funds tend, therefore, to be institutional investors or high net worth individuals.

Size of Industry

The popularity of private equity real estate funds has grown since 2000 as an increasing number of investors commit more capital to the asset class. In 2000 private equity real estate funds raised $12 billion in equity commitments from investors. By 2005 this had increased to $58 billion and in 2007 private equity real estate funds raised a total of $79 billion. Private Equity Real Estate is a global asset class and in 2007, 46% of capital raised was focused on the US, 26% was focused on Europe and 27% was targeting Asia and the rest of the world. By providing online real time services one on one client attention is always in mind.

There is a requirement for needed experience to switch to self-directed retirement plans; The investment Group can help investors chart a new - and potentially more profitable - course for their retirement years.

The investment Group that finds sound investments for self-directed Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), KEOGHs, and SEPs fund inreal estate trust deeds note opportunities in limited partnerships.

The investment Group who is on top of changes in the fields of IRAs and investing - the principals were among the first to tackle the Roth IRA and the effects it had and is having on IRA -401k investing. Finding Investments for YouThe investment Group, Inc.'s primary service is finding and analyzing real estate-related investments for purchase by our clients.

We are investment real estate brokers and have been in business doing this since 2002. In 2002 we started working with IRA clients to assist them in finding appropriate investments in the real estate arena.

Investment Group's find these assets by their network of investment real estate brokers throughout the U.S. (a network built through the Real Estate Cyber Space Society). They meet with these investment brokers online daily. These networking arrangements are with 11,000 brokers; take place in Cyber Space in real time. By being an active member of the Real Estate Cyber Space Society we can satisfy their clients' investment needs no matter how diverse.

The Groups clients give direction on what it is they would like to purchase; when the Group finds it they do a complete analysis of the investment and forward their due diligence to the respective clients. The client can review the information, take it to any other advisors they have and make a decision. If they wish to purchase the product the Group will go forward with the acquisition. If not, the Group finds another investment property for the clients review.

On occasion their clients have requested that they pay their fee's on real estate acquisitions and then work as a buyer's broker. As a free service to their IRA clients who use their investment services, the Group assist them in finding the correct custodian to service their account. Not all custodians are the same and it is vitally important to choose the right one the first time. In Today's world, to make things happen now, we need to be in Real Time Mode for your Clients

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