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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How To Become A Millionaire.

By Harold Vladimogul

To become a millionaire on the internet in 12 months, you absolutely have to be able to do a couple of key things. A well known fact of online business is that traffic equals revenue. This is the basic building block of all successful online businesses. You have to be able to harness the massive buying power of the incredible flow of online traffic. To do so, one of a couple possible things must happen. You have to:

Have a product or service that is in such high demand that you make so much money to become a millionare in 12 months. This is assuming that you have the ability to create or purchase a robust ecommerce website capable of handling massive customer orders and payment processing and that you have the staff to handle all the front and back end orders.

If you don't have a product or service it is is still possible to become a millionaire in 12 months by selling or promoting other peoples products or services online.

There are many legitimate affiliate programs out there in which established businesses seek to leverage their sales with a large affiliate sales force which drives sales for a percentage commission. To do this successfully, you must be able to drive and attract a huge amount of online traffic to the sites, blogs, and social networks you are using to promote the product or service.

The common theme we end up with is that to become a millionaire on the internet in 12 months you have to be able to harness the huge flow of traffic on the web by attracting and driving traffic to your money-making sites, blogs social networks and to affiliate programs that will swap targeted traffic back and forth with you. The key to making milllions online is understanding how to manage traffic.

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Interest Rate Cut - Good or Bad for customers

By Chris Clare

As the credit crisis deepens and more people are feeling the real impact as credit becomes more difficult to obtain, the focus on interest rates has never been greater. 12 months ago, only those connected to the financial services industry were aware of LIBOR and its importance in the marketplace. Today LIBOR is discussed in living rooms and pubs throughout the country with many of these discussions fueled by news reports on television.

The nation is now aware that LIBOR, the London Inter Bank Offered Rate reflects the actual rate at which banks borrow money from each other and is accepted as an accurate barometer of how global markets are reacting to market conditions.

The British Banking Association (BBA) works out the BBA LIBOR rate on any given day by taking the inter bank borrowing rates from 16 contributor panel banks and analyses the middle eight rates (dismissing the first 4 and the last 4) to arrive at an average rate.

Over the last twelve months the difference between the LIBOR rate and the Bank of England base rate has been substantial and it has also been acknowledged that the period of this variation is also longer than ever before. There has recently been a drop in the rate with a 1.065 percentage reduction on Friday 7th November giving a rate of 4.496% (its lowest point since April 2004), reflecting a slashing of the interest rate by 1.5% to 3% by the Bank of England. The pressure has been put on the financial institutions to pass this on to the general public, not only by the government, but also by the media. With this in mind, many of the leading banks are following the Bank of England's lead.

But there would appear to be several things that have been overlooked in the rush to pass on the perceived benefits of the drop in the base rate.

A reduction in interest rates to existing customers is very welcome. However from the bank's perspective this can have a detrimental effect on arrears performance. As borrower's payments are reduced this will automatically increase arrears percentages; for example a borrower who has a monthly payment of ?350 and is say ?300 in arrears, is currently 'off the radar'. However, should the monthly payment be reduced due to a rate cut to ?280 the borrower is now in excess of one month in arrear. This will be replicated throughout the collections process as those accounts that are one month move to two, two to three etc culminating in more accounts reaching the stage where they are referred to solicitors for litigation proceedings to commence.

Those bank's wishing to lend to other bank's at the LIBOR rate will take in to account the performance of the borrowing bank's mortgage book. This will have deteriorated considerably as a result of the rate cut and will deteriorate further with future cuts. This will obviously have a detrimental effect on a bank's willingness to lend, and could have a negative impact on LIBOR rates as the perception of risk increases, this will be priced accordingly.

This isn't the only way banks get funds though. Loans and mortgages are also funded by retail deposits and the moneys accumulated in the existing loan book. Those banks that have carried on functioning recently have done so based on retail funding. At the moment, the drive we saw in the past for mortgage business is now being focused aggressively on investment business.

Banks will also face the situation where they will earn less money on their existing borrowers if the interest rate drops, but they will still have to aggressively seek new investment. Due to decreased profits the banks will take more time to recover from the crisis. If the LIBOR rate remains higher than the base rate then it will follow that the financial institutions main target for investment will focus on the retail sector. This creates a situation where only a substantial decrease in the LIBOR rate, that is to say in line with the base rate, will attract the banks away from the area of retail investment.

It has to be said that one good thing to come from the government proposals is that it has been a big confidence booster. But it is worth bearing mind that although the mood is slightly more upbeat of late, the drop in the interest rate and the injection of cash will also herald unforeseen problems as it aims to provide a solution to the problem. And, just to prove the point, as I write this the LIBOR rate has started to climb again.

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Have A Better Future With Debt Consolidation

By Eric Jilson

Living in today's world, it's almost impossible to function without using and managing debt. The unrelenting needs and never-ending changes in our financial lives require that we utilize credit in one way or another. When properly maintained and used, credit is a good thing for most people's financial lives, allowing them to purchase homes, vehicles, and other items they would likely not otherwise be able to get without years of savings.

Often, though, debt piles up rather than being paid and people begin to slowly feel their freedom being drained as the debt begins to take over their financial lives. Becoming always short of money, barely able to make payments on time, or being late because you just didn't have the money yet. Sacrificing lifestyle choices and worse, all begin to get worse as the debt mounts. Eventually this comes to a head and has to be dealt with.

Before it gets to that point, though, many people turn to debt consolidation to relieve the pressure and take off the stress. A debt consolidation and management program can reduce your debt, provide you with a means to get out of debt, and manage your credit to show you how to utilize it in a healthy manner that doesn't build your debt load, but instead lowers it.

So how does this work and is it really what it says it is?

Debt consolidation works by consolidating all of your debt into one loan at a lower interest rate, usually paying off your existing debt at lower rates than what's owed. This means your new loan is for a lower amount that you owed before and at a lower (usually fixed) interest rate. So now instead of many monthly payments at varying interest rates, you have one payment at one interest rate.

Some of these programs will, instead of setting up a new loan, set up a management program in which current debts are "fixed" with the creditors, lower payments and interest rates are set up, and your single payment to the management program pays all your creditors automatically. These are not "loans" but they are consolidations of credit under one management system.

Most creditors are happy to either cut what's owed in order to get paid off so they do not have to worry about a struggling client or to take lower interest payments in return for getting a more guaranteed monthly payment to service the debt. A creditor's biggest worry is that a debtor will declare bankruptcy and the creditor will walk away with nothing at all but an unpaid debt.

Some management companies will offer incentives to the client looking to consolidate their debt, making claims about how quickly the debts will be paid and how a "new start" will be had once it's done. In reality, it takes time to pay off these debts and, in the mean time, the person's credit is often on hold and unusable.

Further, some consolidation management companies take monthly payments, issue "cease and desist" orders as attorneys to creditors, demanding that they talk only to the management company about the client's debt, and then let the monthly payments pile up without being sent to creditors. They do this in order to pressure the creditors into taking even lower payoffs (in lump sums from this "account") and to collect interest on the money being paid to them as it builds in an account. While this is legal, it is deceptive and often ruins the client's credit for a very long time.

So finding a reputable and reliable debt consolidation and management firm is a must if you're in the market to consolidate your loans and want to manage your debts correctly. Consolidation is often the best and most effective way to reduce debt or to completely eliminate it and get clear of it as quickly as possible without totally destroying your credit.

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A Look At Bad Credit Rating Cards

By Louis Soul

These days more and more people in America are having a hard time dealing with the difficulty of obtaining credit in many forms such as application for credit cards or any type of loans or even from renting, and although this may seem to be a crisis for most, certain kinds of assistance to repair a poor credit score may be available to give remedy to this. As a result, you will find yourself lost in a situation called the catch 22. It is possible to obtain loans with poor credit scores but the penalty paid by the applicants is a variety of fees and conditions plus of course a higher interest rate.

Often these loans come with a 'sting in the tail' in the form of security on the home in addition to a higher interest rate so it is essential this is checked first so at least the person taking out the loan is aware of any conditions before they accept. You should be aware that with the help of the Internet, you can always find consumer websites that specializes in facilitating poor credit loans with the motive of finding you the best deals and terms as well as the right firm to help you ease the troubles away.

This is also one of preventing your credit score from getting worse since your application will directly be recorded every time you do so as per time frame will somehow lower your credit score. This situation can be exacerbated by consumers who 'change their mind' about a loan that has been awarded in favor of another company with better rates.

Probably the easiest and most convenient way to rebuild your credit rating is to use a credit card because the financial institutions can see that regular monthly instalments are being made and assess to credit worthiness on this. Once again you will probably more for the privilege of having one of these cards and each issuer will have their own terms and conditions so it is worthwhile checking each one out first. To prevent yourself from any waste and further damage to your credit score, you should be careful in applying for a credit card as most have a high income level for applicants so always see to it that you don't apply to which requires a higher income than you receive.Once people have shown that they are responsible enough in handling their credit, it is more likely that an increase in the amount of credit on a person's card is to be made however, this is not always a good idea and can be risky to what you have been gained especially if you are trying to repair your credit rating.

Some people try for a home improvement loan but may not qualify even though the remodelling work may be urgent so in this instance it is worth trying a bad credit mortgage lender that may be able to help. When considering a mortgage, remember that you must factor in many things and not just a particular interest rate as there may be other charges on an annual basis as well as any penalties that can be incurred.

It is consoling to know that despite your predicament of a poor credit score, you should still be able to get credit in the form of a loan, credit card and it is even possible to have an auto loan arranged as well. In extreme cases where the above methods may not be possible, the next step is to seek advice from a debt counsellor who may well suggest that the best way out of your situation is to apply for a debt consolidation loan.

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How To Improve Credit Score

By John Cooper

To improve your credit score can seem like an impossible task. The scoring model seems to factor in tons of information and makes it seem as if you have no control over your score.

This is wrong. You can focus on a couple easy steps and develop a good credit score.

1. Remove bad credit items on your report. You must dispute the credit bureaus directly with either a dispute letter or by hiring a service to dispute them on your behalf.

2. If an item is verified then work out a way to pay them in exchange have the item removed from your your credit report.

3. Pay your bills on time. It is alleged that missing one monthly payment can cause your score to drop by up to 50 points.

4. Open a new line of credit. Your score will receive the most benefit if you have a revolving line of credit. We suggest an unsecured credit card.

This will also help you build a positive payment history by paying your monthly bill. However if you can not qualify for an unsecured credit card then open a secured card, but make sure it reports to all 3 bureaus.

In addition try to keep your monthly balance at 10% of your available credit. Doing this shows the bureaus that you do in fact use your credit and you use it responsibly.

5. Pay off large debt. Your score will get a bump if you have high available credit to debt. The bureaus want to make sure you are not overextended and by showing them you have available credit your score will get a bump.

These five factors are the only things you need to concern yourself with when trying to improve your credit score. There is one last factor however it is shadowed in controversy.

6. Piggy back credit, this is when you are added as an authorized user on an account with a high credit limit and low balance. The benefit you get is the account is not reported on your credit history.

This tactic has been widely abused by some credit repair services. The scoring model has changed to discount this method however it is disputed as to if that change has occurred or not.

In sum if you can take care of steps one through five then you will improve your score. With a high credit score your quality of life will also improve.

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Discovering The Right Card, And Using It Wisely

By John Brennan

At times, choosing a credit card can be difficult. With all the options available, finding a credit card that matches your needs can be difficult. However, you can avoid falling into debt if you know what card to look for.

Fixed, low rate cards are the best option for the average person. These cards benefit consumers because you can avoid being shocked with higher rates and hidden fees once introductory rates dissolve. With flexible spending terms, repayment can be much easier.

Consumers should also look at the ease of paying monthly bills. Normally, cards can be set-up to have automatic withdrawls from personal checking accounts. In addition, many cards offer flexible payment plans to work around your earnings schedule, so bi-weekly payment terms are not out of the question.

Simply being responsible with card spending is necessary for good credit. Irresponsible spending can lead to a credit or debt crisis. If you have fallen to far into debt, the long-term effects can be catostrophic and recovery can be difficult.

Hard work and using spending decretion can help in pulling you out of any bad credit situation you may be in. Its also important to seek outside help if you find yourself in this type of crisis. There are many services that can provide help in getting consumers out of debt quicker.

Educating yourself with the right tools and service providers is the easiest way to dig yourself out from debt. Free in Five is a credit service that can assist in easing payment schedules and educate consumers on responsible spending. Life can be much easier with their help.

A credit counseling service can also help the consumer develop good credit habits, including learning how to properly spend using credit. Many consumers are unable to properly get a grasp on how to use a credit card until they talk with a credit counselor. By knowing how to use a credit card, consumers can find the right card and make purchases that they can afford, avoiding getting into a debt trap.

So, if you're looking for a credit card, be sure to pay attention to the rates and the extra elements of the cards, and find one that suits your needs. Once you do find the right card, be sure to be responsible and use it wisely for purchases that you can repay in due time. Failure to do so can result in needing some outside help or other assistance to get out of debt that you can easily avoid with a little common sense and restraint.

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The utilization of a Quick Pay day Advance

By Clare Colemann

A number of choices are available to you if you're in search of a quick pay day advance.

The following documentation is normally asked for in order to obtain a quick pay day advance: a valid identification, proof of residency, proof of income, and a recent bank statement to serve as proof of a valid and active current account.

To assist you with some of your present financial plight, this information should help you to not only learn how these loans operate but also the significance of each of the requirements as mentioned within this article, if you think that a quick pay day advance might be just what you need.

You're mainly applying for an extremely short-term loan based upon the net amount that you make with an average pay cheque, when you apply for a quick pay day advance. They are simply for individuals who need a little bit of extra cash for making ends meet until they get paid again and are not designed to cover larger expenses. When applying for a loan in person, you will in some cases have to put down a personal cheque on file with the pay day advance provider that is post-dated to the date that the loan becomes due, and made out for the amount of the loan plus the lender's service charges, in swap for the loan.

Confirming all this information supplied by you that they have on file, they will be able to make sure that you are who you claim to be. Your driver's license and post delivered to your home such as utility bills, is proof enough to verify who you are and where you live. |Quick pay day advances will wish you to provide proof of identity and proof of residence, and you should keep this significant fact in mind when making application.

All the facts supplied by you, and the address you have supplied, will put them in a position to verify that you are who you claim to be. To prove your identity and residence to them, you can supply your driver's license and mail delivered to your home such as utility bills.

It's important for the pay day lender to be able to establish how much it is that you earn on each paycheck, since you will be borrowing a cash amount decided upon your income when you take out a quick pay day advance. You can speed up the loan process by showing them that you have a steady income and how much you earn on average when you get paid, by bringing in up to date paycheques.

When you took out the loan, you had to leave a predated cheque on file with the pay day lender for the full amount due, by the due date, and also for him to make sure that you have a valid chequeing account. Make sure that you go back to the pay day loan provider's office to collect this, as the loan you took out will be automatically deposited and deducted from your cheque account. Get a statement printed out by the teller at your local bank, indicating the amount deducted from your account, and take it with you when collect your cheque. Show this to the lender as proof that the amount owed was in fact paid back to him, so that he can give back your cheque.

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Home insurance policies agreed online are usually less expensive

By Rem

It is a sad fact of life that accidents come about and often things are taken from your home but by starting a home insurance plan, personal things you own can be replaced after events of this nature. For individuals that rent, this is in general all that is required but if you own your house then a policy that covers the building as well as the contents might be a good idea.

It is always a good practice to make a list of everything in your home that has any value, doing this on a room by room basis and preferably before you actually take out the house insurance. An easy way to do this is to carry out a walk-through of your home with a camcorder if you have one or a digital camera if not and take pictures of the rooms and the contents. Combined with the written inventory, this makes an excellent record of your home and property. Many people forget to keep there household insurance inventory current though and neglect adding new personal things to the list as well as taking pictures to attach to that list.

Luckily these days, most insurance underwriters are able to supply quotes online so you can compare a few before determining which one suits your circumstances best. Of course the biggest benefit to the home owner is when they call for a quotation online, they will acquire an answer within only a few minutes. house insurance plans bought online are normally supplied at a discount rate owing the fact that the companies involved have lowered their expenses by furnishing these products without the need of premises and a large number of staff. You should not just check the value of quotes, but also the reputation of the insurance firm before you make your final decision.

Your plan will come with a sum assured value which is the entire amount the insurance insurer will settle with you if there is a claim for total loss etc. The sum assured is often calculated by the insurance provider for you based on figures for replacing the contents of an average house.

Some firms are more diligent and may make a physical examination of your home or specifically request an amount of protection from you and then work out how much it will cost from the figures you provide. Having the correct insurance level is more important than just a reduced premium and this approach may better suit those house owners who have higher value personal possessions and do not want to end up with a sum assured that does not meet the needs of substituting their property.

Although the contents of your home may all be important to you, do not forget your plan will not always cover all of your possessions. home workers for example should be aware that stock used to run that occupation from home is not always addressed as standard. Also, if the sum assured does not cover high value items, such as jewelry and electronic equipment, you may have to pay extra on your house insurance plan to insure them at the level you need. Nonetheless, finally it is your duty to check out which personal things are covered by the policies that you are looking at before you make a final decision.

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Guaranteed Payday Loans

By Dave Davis

If you need cash quickly and won't be getting paid for a week or two, there are quite a few options available to you. Many people turn to cash advance or payday loans to get the funds they need. Lenders can often give you the funds you need on the spot and this can save you late fees and other expenses.

If you are looking to take out an advance on your paycheck, first you'll need to decide on a lending source. Be aware that legislation on these loans varies from state to state in the USA. Some states have extremely relaxed legislation.

If you live in a state where there is little to no legislation, you'll want to be especially sure to read the fine print to make sure you are not paying more than necessary in fees to borrow the needed money. In most cases, the finance charges range anywhere from 15 to 30 percent of the amount borrowed.

Since the finance charges can be pretty hefty, be sure to borrow only what you need and only what you will be able to pay back on your next payday. If you fail to pay back the loan by the due date, usually two weeks from the date the loan was issued, the interest will continue to compound leaving you with a debt that may be near impossible to pay back. You will definitely want to be wise when determining the amount of money to borrow.

Most lenders that provide this type of loan will withdraw your payment from your bank account automatically. However, some will leave this up to you because they want to be able to charge you more and more interest over time. The annual rate you would pay in interest on this type of loan is astronomical.

If your payment check bounces, you're looking at a lot of extra fees and interest. Payday lenders usually make a lot of money on people that pay late and to avoid really paying out a lot, you need to make sure you pay back your loan before it's due.

If you decide to get this type of a loan, it should be fairly easy to find. There are payday loan stores on almost every corner these days. You can also find an online store that provides this type of loan without too much trouble. Be careful so that you can avoid paying too much interest and this loan may be quite useful.

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Wired Plastic Card - Review

By Dan Moskel

This is a prepaid debit card. With the Wired Plastic Visa you deposit money on your card and then you use your card to make purchases or withdraw cash.

It is accepted over the phone and online. You card can be used anywhere you see the visa logo displayed.

You can sign up for free account alerts via text messaging and e-mail. This card can be used to book hotel reservations or rent a car.

The most unique benefit about this card is they offer a rewards program. You earn 1 point for every dollar spent.

You can redeem these points at participating retailers, this includes; Cingular, T-Mobile, Verizon and more. Your points can be redeemed for; ring tones, music downloads, and toward your account balance.

It is issued by Bankfirst and offers free direct deposit. You will be expected to pay a $3.95 monthly fee, which is very low compared to other cards that charge $9.95 - $19.95 a month.

Your card can also be used to write physical paper checks to pay your bills. This will eliminate your need to purchase money orders. You can also deposit money on your card through 100,000 retail locations and use pay pal or a bank account transfer.

They offer guaranteed approval for this card regardless of your credit history. This card also gives you a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason you can receive a full refund.

Your card will act just like a checking account. If you are in chexsystems it will eliminate the need to purchase money orders or pay check cashing fees.

You must be a US resident and able to identify yourself in accordance to the Patriot Act to qualify. In addition you also must be 18 years or older.

In sum we do suggest the Wired Plastic prepaid visa. It is a great alternative to carrying cash.

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