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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Save Money with Preparing More Meals at Home

By Paul J. Easton

Living with the stress of your big balances from your credit cards is simply annoying. Another thing you worry about now is that you are getting a little unhealthy and you don't have savings in case you get sick. You probably have been living the life with a deadly combination of overspending using your cards and eating unhealthily outside.

Eating in our favorite restaurants or fast foods most of the time is one of the most common causes of health problems in our modern times. When ordering your favorite meal at your fast foods, you are unaware of the contents of those foods like trans fats and added saturated oils. In the long run of eating these foods, you are getting yourself sicker and sicker everyday.

We have not yet discussed how these fast food stuffs actually make your wallet thinner every time. The answer to these problems is eating at home. Some people would say they don't know how to cook or they don't have the time to do all these things. If one will just skip the TV for a few hours, you will find more time preparing your food and making your life healthier. This does not even include yet the bonding time you can share while cooking or eating together.

By beginning to prepare more meals at home, you will require yourself of honing your cooking skills. This skill is very important for entertaining your guests during parties and is a necessity these times of crisis. Rather than eating out, you prepare your own food and actually monitor what you eat. So you can go back to losing some extra weight again.

The other advantage of preparing more meals at home is that it is cheaper. And you will finally use that cookware you have been keeping all this time because you just used it a few years back. By doing the grocery with a plan of the weekly meals to be prepared, you get yourself restrained with a budget you can stick with.

With only the electricity you will use in preparing for your food and the groceries, you will definitely save thousands of dollars in a year. Reserve the eating out sessions for some special occasions. And it will definitely make you healthier because you will make sure you are only serving the right food in your table. In hindsight, it will even save you from that hospital bills you expect. Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

For information on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

How To Avoid a Personal Bailout

By Linda Seamore

As we begin 2009, the U.S. economy is in ruins. It has become, as a result, increasingly more important to protect your assets, as well as your identity. In order to make 2009 a better year for your money in these harsh economic times, here are some ideas and suggestions to get your financial health in line.

1. Separate Needs from Wants. Financial security and independence relies heavily on being a smart spender. Don't, for example, eat out when you can cook at home. Eating is a need but eating out is a want. Being thrifty is truly a necessity. Pay close attention to discounts for things you need, and clip coupons whenever possible.

2. Have a cash stash that is equal to approximately 6 months of living expenses. Average out your utilities, food and other expenses and save some for a rainy day. Put a little back each payday in an account that you cannot touch or dig into. This is your emergency fund and shouldnt be touched unless it is absolutely necessary. If you DO dig into the fund, that money needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

3. Categorize your bills and start to pay them down or totally off. Start with personal loans, then move onto credit cards. It is important that these responsibilities be taken care of as quick as possible. The interest accrued by credit cards and loans is staggering over the span of the life of the loan.

4. Now, more than ever, it is vital that you protect your identity. Identity theft has become a huge problem in recent years. The cost to victims each year is approximately 5 to 7.5 billion dollars with over 500,000 reports coming in every year. You can protect your identity with a service like LifeLock. LifeLock offers a guarantee up to $1,000,000 on their service, reduces the amount of credit card offers and pro-actively guards your good name.

5. To keep you from dipping into your savings unnecessarily, put extra money into CDs, money market accounts, or other securities that are harder to access. That way, you won't be tempted to spend all that hard saved money.

6. Put yourself on a budget and KEEP that budget no matter what. This is easy to do, folks. Make up jars or boxes with labels like entertainment, pizza, or eating out. Each payday, put $20 in each jar. That is your allowance for that extravagance until next payday. When the money in the pizza jar is used, you simply dont eat pizza again until next payday rolls around. Sounds a little harsh, but it works and you HAVE to limit yourself or you will have no idea where the money went to.

The current economic situation is not good. This is not big secret. As a result, we have to do what we must to protect ourselves from needing assistance, something some of the big companies should have done a long time ago. Don't get in a bind in 2009. Follow a budget, look for sales and discounts and be a smart spender.

If you are careful with your money, you won't need a bailout. Maybe, you will one day be teaching CEOs how to run the finances of a company!

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How to deal with a bankruptcy?

By reklicom

Alternatives to Bankruptcy. Individual Voluntary Arrangements: An Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA is a formal agreement between the debtor and the County Court made to avoid a petition for bankruptcy. You can either set an amount to pay your creditors monthly and dutifully or pay them in full. To file for an IVA, you will need the help of an insolvency practitioner who will act as the middle man. It is usually costly to hire an insolvency practitioner. Asking them for an initial meeting where you can seek advice whether filing an IVA is appropriate in your case or not is best suited. This way, you can be sure that every cent you pay for is worth it. Names of local insolvency practitioners can be obtained through the court offices or the Official Receivers.

How to go Bankrupt: Filing your bankruptcy petition. A petition for bankruptcy is readily available in your local County Court. Processing the petition may cost about 310 deposit and 150 court fee. These fees should be paid along with the submission of your petition. If you are on low income or on certain benefits, you can be awarded exemption from paying those fees.

How To Find A Bankruptcy Lawyer? If you have decided there is no alternative to filing bankrupty,you may be asking yourself, "how do I find a good bankruptcy lawyer? The best way to find a good bankruptcy lawyer is through referrals. Family members and friends who filed bankruptcy in the past can refer you to a good bankruptcy lawyer. The yellow pages in a phone book is another great place to find reputable bankruptcy lawyers. Another invaluable place to find a good bankruptcy lawyer and services in on the Internet. When you search for a lawyer, try to find a lawyer that deals with your type of bankruptcy. You can get free advice with the first meeting.

Before you file bankruptcy, it is a good idea to look into other alternatives if at all possible. New bankruptcy laws make it more difficult to file than it used to be.

Qualifications of an unfit conduct include: Deceiving the Official Receiver about your assets and businesses two years before you went bankrupt. Gambling. Making business transactions at a time when you know that you cannot handle debts. Taking out credits you cannot pay.Giving away your assets to avoid them from being taken away by the Official Receiver. Prioritizing some creditors over the others. Failure to cooperate with the Official Receiver.Concealing your assets and properties from the Official Receiver.

Being issued a Bankruptcy Restriction Order means that you cannot avail of credit that is more than 500 without letting your lender know about your status. You also cannot hold any significant position like an MP, a local councilor, a director of a company, or an insolvency practitioner until after the order has been lifted.

The Bankruptcy Restriction Order does not stop your Official Receiver to take criminal actions against any of your offences. If you sell goods that you have on hire purchase agreement or you fill out false information on your loan application, your actions will be taken into account to the attention of the court, no less.

ADVICE - Statutory Demands: Once you receive a Statutory Demand, your next move should be to check if you can have it set aside.Do I have Assets? Once you are declared bankrupt, the Official Receiver or appointed trustee may rule out to sell all your assets to pay for your debt.

This is also known as your "Beneficial Interest". In certain circumstances, you can be considered to have a beneficial interest even when you are not named in the mortgage. In certain circumstances as well, your co-owners can make an offer to the Official Receiver to buy out your equity share so the house will remain intact.

Once the order is made, you will get in touch with the Official Receiver who deals with your bankruptcy and report to him all your personal details. The information that you will be asked about usually pertains to your finances including your incomes, expenses, assets, Insurance policies, and Pension policy details.

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Enjoy Life on a Budget

By Paul J. Easton

Having a big balance with your credit cards is no fun. With the stress it brings with you, especially if you only have barely enough money to make it through from one payday to another. One of the secrets to leaving this cycle of hard work yet without any pay off is to get rid of debt. And learn also how to enjoy life on a budget. The thing is it is easier said than done, so how?

The one thing where overspending has direct relationship with is your behavior. By learning to modify your behavior with money, you will learn small things that can be changed to save some extra money. Of course, discipline and motivation are very much important. A support group like your family can definitely help along the way. By learning the proper behavior with money, you will tend to allot more money to your bills and later, if you have already paid off the debts, your savings account every month. Get debt-free today with tips on this blog about how to get rid of debt.

Simple tweaks in your daily routine can be hard but rewarding. These moves will make you aware of the cash flow and the importance of your every resource. Saving up can be very difficult but can be done. By merely making a distinction between the needs and the wants, you will start to prioritize and sacrifice some of your spending. With this, you also avoid certain things that only tempt you to use your credit card and accumulate again another series of debts to pay.

These activities are really counterproductive and can have cheaper but better options. Take for example your weekend strolling at the mall where you are only tempted try those chic shoes. You can entertain yourself instead with a more productive activity like starting a business with a hobby, which can be more satisfying.

Implement some cost-saving measures inside the house particularly inside the kitchen. Have a list of the food you need to prepare for the whole week. Buy groceries according to your plan. With a plan at hand, you will likely stick with your budget. With your daily purchases, buy them with cash and avoid the credit cards.

These are easy measures to save on your everyday expenses. By having the focus with your plan, you will surely enjoy yourself and most importantly save up some extra money at the end of the month. To know more information how you can enjoy life in a budget and how to get rid of debt, log on to by Paul J. Easton.

Saving Up during a Recession

By Paul J. Easton

Saving up in this current crisis can be very hard. Jobs are lost and the common everyday expenses are getting higher in prices. And your savings account is drying up sooner than you think. Now, you truly need all the help you can get.

For you to save up money, whether to pay off your credit card debt or set aside some money for retirement, the first thing you need to manage is your spending habits. By distinguishing the things that you need from those you only want, you will begin to prioritize your spending. Strolling around the shopping mall and seeing all those new and trendy clothes or shoes, you are only tempting yourself from splurging in these doodads.

You can simply save thousands of dollars a year with a little effort from your part. Follow a few well-planned cost-saving measures to give direction to your personal financial management. Evaluate the current mortgage you have. Maybe you are paying a slightly higher interest rate compared to your credit rating. By asking your banker, you could perhaps refinance with a much better deal. Doing this is one way to save more money for the long term.

Skip the meals outside with restaurants and fast foods. Eat more at home where your family can bond and eat together. You will also be compelled to learn how to cook. The more you eat at home, the more money you save. Reserve the eating out for some special occasions. By doing this alternative, you can even go back to your weight loss diet and begin a healthy way of eating.

When shopping for groceries have a list prepared of all the things you need. This prevents you from exceeding your budget. Consider buying store brands of your favorite foods instead of the popular high-end brands. These are typically cheaper but taste the same. By sticking with a budget in your groceries, you will eventually save some extra money at the end of the month and this will finally boost your savings accounts. Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here.

If you adopt measures to save on your everyday expenses, you will certainly save up some extra money. This extra money can be used to pay off your credit card bills faster or increase your savings for emergency cases. It is really amazing how small changes can completely make significant differences with the way you handle your money. With that extra money, imagine how good to be finally debt-free. Surely, those small changes are very important after all.

For information on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

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Saving Up while Having Debt can Hurt You

By Paul J. Easton

Do you have both debts and savings? Chances are you are dangerously overspending your money and you are in a crucial situation. Why is it so? Read a little more.

You are spending more money when you save and acquire debt through your credit card at the same time. In simple terms, when you save money in your bank account, you are in fact lending your cash to the bank. Then with probably a credit card from the same bank, you are again borrowing money from your bank with a higher interest rate.

The big difference between the interest rate of your saving account and the rate they charge you with their credit cards is actually the bank's profit. It is simply ironic because you are actually borrowing money from a bank with which you have lent money with. And with their profit due to the difference mentioned, it is causing you to be in a very disadvantaged position because it always costs more to borrow than to earn from saving.

This is the reason why I laugh and feel sorry at the same time with this attitude of people. These people who have both borrowings and savings with the same bank are just working hard to become slaves of their own banks. In actual fact it is a ridiculous cycle of lending you back the money you lent them and with them having the profit.

The concept of having some extra cash in their savings account gives most people a sense of security. But with the situation of keeping the debt aside just to save up and accumulating the interest charges, that is having a negative gearing every time. This leads to ultimately drying your emergency cash fund in your savings without knowing it.

The best thing to do is pay off your credit card debts with your extra cash in your savings. Even if this includes your emergency fund, it is still the best move to do. The main caution though is not to cut up the cards this time when you used up the savings. It is imperative to keep the credit cards available for now in case there is an emergency. Until you amassed the necessary amount in your savings after paying off the credit cards, then you have the option to stop using the credit cards altogether.

The solution is very straightforward. Pay off the debts before you save any amount. It is a simple concept of breaking old rules which are probably marketed by banks themselves. At least, you break free from being their slaves after all. Get debt-free now with these tips on how to get rid of debt here.

Being in debt is no fun, especially if you find that you barely have enough money to make it from one payday to the next, with no money to put into savings left over at the end of the week. The secret to help you get rid of debt is to learn how to modify your behavior when it comes to spending money, allocating more money to your bills and your savings account each month.

For information on how to get rid of debt, go to by Paul J. Easton.

First Premier MasterCard

By Dan Moskel

First Premier credit card is an unsecured card. It has been created specifically for individuals with a damaged credit report.

It offers easy approval, but does carry some large fees. However if you credit is in the dumps many of these fees are necessary expenses for new credit.

If you are interested in this card because you are hoping that it can improve your low credit score, I must tell you that it cannot fix your score. What it can do, however, is help you create a positive history of payments.

Negative items on your credit report will dramatically lower your credit score, so while they remain on your report you will be unable to achieve a good credit score.

Before opening up new lines of credit, it is a good idea to remove negative items from your credit report. Despite what many people think, you can remove derogatory items from your report.

You can dispute these items directly with the credit bureaus. Once these items are removed from your report, you may be able to apply for and receive a card with lower fees, or even no fees at all.

Make sure you have reasonable expectations for this card: it won't fix your score. It can help, however, and positive credit lines can assist you in achieving a higher credit score. Keep in mind, though, that negative marks are much more damaging.

Additionally with our tough economic times many lending institutions have severely tightened their approval requirements. Frequently you will be denied even if you have just one negative item on your report.

The credit limit for this card is $250 and there is a $95 program fee, a $48 annual fee, an $84 monthly servicing fee (deducted annually) and an account setup fee of $29 associated with the card. These fees are automatically deduced from your available credit when you are issued the card.

Considering these high fees, we think that it is more cost effective, particularly over the course of a lifetime, to improve your score by repairing and removing negative items from your credit report. This may allow you to be approved for a low-limit, no-fee credit card.

You're not alone: millions of people have poor credit, but you shouldn't think you have to just live with it. The knowledge that you can't be approved for anything better can cost you money and damage your self confidence.

Having poor credit doesn't have to make you feel like a second-class citizen. Legislation has been passed to help protect you from outrageous fees. There is no better feeling than hearing a loan officer say, "Congratulations, you've been approved!

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Why Your Reverse Mortgage May Have Been Transferred in Process

By Matt Vanrock

At this point its almost boring to discuss the mortgage crisis. I'm not even sure if it will make the Monday morning paper today.

Those taking the biggest hit, other that big backers of mortgage backed securities, have been mortgage companies offering traditional mortgages. Some of these folks are unrecognizable and other are simple out of business.

Thus far reverse mortgages have been fairly insulated from this whole fiasco.

Relative to the traditional mortgage counterpart the reverse mortgage has some very appealing traits for investors in mortgages.

One of the most important differences between the reverse and the traditional mortgage is the HECM does not require periodic interest payments. This dramatically reduces risk.

Where we are seeing trouble, however, is in the fact that some companies who lend reverse mortgage money also lend traditional mortgage money out of the same warehouse line.

One would think that money necessary for such divergent products might come from different places, but it doesn't.

So, what happens if the entire warehouse line is restricted based upon events in the forward mortgage market?

Naturally, reverse mortgage take a hit and through no fault of their own.

The lousy part of this is for the people currently in escrow planning on closing on their reverse mortgage. They are being told to hold on while the broker transfers the loan to a new lending institution.

The problem is its taking much longer to close loans. Rates are going up and many of these folks wont realize as much money as they were originally told they would get out of the mortgage.

Time is of the essence for reverse mortgages more so than under normal market conditions. Increasing lender margins effectively limit borrowing power if the loan doesn't close before the rate increase.

How can this affect someone? It can constrict the loan amount enough to the point where a borrower can no longer pay off a big bill or a forward mortgage currently sucking away most of the disposable income.

Getting a reverse mortgage thus far has been a piece of cake. This new arrival has made things a little bumpy.

Jacksonville Condominiums

By A. Kim

There are many available condos in South of Jacksonville Florida such as Point Meadows, Wolfcreek, Overlook, Stonebridge, and Campfield. The building boom of early 2000's have created over supply of Jacksonville condominiums. If your in the market for hands free living these might just be the perfect answer for you needs.

Due to high demands during the height of the housing boom in south Florida, many of the apartment units were turned into a condo creating excess inventories of condos. This left plenty of available living spaces with those size ranging from 1,050 square feet to over 1,500 square pretty large living spaces.

To reduce the excess inventories of Jacksonville condominiums many of the condo developers have offered upgrades and deals that one can't pass by. The price ranges of these homes are $125,000 up to $300,000 low compared with early 2000's where many of them were priced twice what it is now. You can leverage the buyer's market to get a good deal on one of these condos.

The luxury condo on the other hand have been stable for the last couple of years. With some luxury condos being delivered in downtown Jacksonville like The Shipyard, St. Johns, and Berkman Plaza Two. If you are willing to pay the high prices and have enough cash this will be a great investment for those who want to live close to downtown in the southside of Jacksonville. Amenities such as dry cleaning, shopping, restaurants, and security are within the building for convenience.

Also, Jacksonville condominiums offer many things to do to occupy your time. Attraction like sports and museums like Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville allows you culture and fun for all your family members.

There are also parks around the city with waterfront where you can spend a day of fun or just hang out enjoying the sunny weather of Florida. Now is the perfect time when the prices are reasonable and the market is poised for rebound after turbulent 2008.

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Repairing Your Credit With Poor Credit Cards!

By Philip Crafton

When you hear the term poor credit cards, you may initially wonder if it is something for you. The truth of the matter is that if you have problems with your credit or if you would like to build up good credit, they most certainly are!

Make sure that you know what poor credit cards are. They are essentially secured cards or prepaid cards that you can apply for. With the small amount that is on them, you will be able to have it paid off every month, quickly and easily.

If you have had trouble with credit cards in the past, you may be wondering why you need another one. With creditors, collection agencies and other organizations hounding you night and day, it can be easy to lose track of the big picture. Take a look at the step by step guidelines for getting yourself out of debt and back on top with the use of poor credit cards.

1.Consider your credit situation

Unless your debt is very, very slight, there is a good chance that you are looking at a stasis that will last for years. Debt can be very hard to fix and while you are getting out of it, your credit score will just stay the same. With a poor credit card, however, you will be able to start on repairs right away. Why wait when you can look forward not only to having your debt paid off but your credit score made more healthy at the same time?

2.Get to know your credit score

The more you know about your own credit situation, the better off you are going to be. Whether it is really better or worse than you think it is, you will find that there are a number of things that you can do when you are looking to make sure that you are going to be getting the right results. You will often find that a free credit report from the state can be offered if you only ask, and this will let you know where you stand when it comes to things like loans and mortgages.

3.Put together a plan

When you want to get out of debt, remember that you need a plan. There are a number of ways for you to get ahead with poor credit cards, but remember that a plan is very important. Consider putting your bills on the card, as you will know what is coming due at the end of every month. Remember that the fewer surprises you have to deal with, the better off you are going to be.

There is quite a lot that you can get from using poor credit cards. It can go a long way towards helping you figure out your financial situation and if you enter into it with our eyes open, it can make a huge difference.

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Understanding Debt Consolidation Loans

By Caden Flynn

Debt consolidation loans can be a great way to get out debt. They are a specific type of loan to consolidate all of your debts, including credit card debt, into a single monthly payment instead of many payments. Often this loan comes with a low interest rate. These loans are made for people who owe a lot of money to different creditors, and are unable to meet the minimum monthly payment amounts.

If you have an awful credit history, finding a consolidation loan with a low interest rate can be very difficult. However, you should keep some things in mind while searching for a debt consolidation loan.

Interest is the income of any lender, so talking them down on rates, especially if you have a bad credit history so they cannot be a hundred percent sure that you will pay them on time, can be very hard.

In order to find a consolidation loan, first you need to have some sort of collateral, which will be the property you use to secure the loan. Particularly if you have a bad credit history, having some sort of collateral is extremely important, especially if you want a low interest rate. The greater the value of your collateral property, the greater your chance to find a low interest loan. However, you should ask for a loan amount less than the value of your collateral. This will make your loan more attractive for debt consolidation creditors.

When searching for an organization to offer you a consolidation loan for debt, it is very important to choose the right lender. When you are selecting a bank or financial institution for any reason, you should always look for one with excellent customer service and high customer satisfaction. Look for one that is not in the news for its bad practices. However, you may find a good bank that does not offer low interest debt consolidation loans. Many of these banks can direct you to a reputable debt consolidation company who they would recommend.

Many debt consolidation lenders have big, flashy ads, but you should not pay attention to them. Ask yourself, are those promos worth it? Instead, do your own research. The companies with expensive ads can afford to spend this money because it attracts borrowers even with higher interest rates or high APR credit cards that go with the loaned amount. Shop around to find lesser-known, but still reputable, companies. They may offer loans at lower interest rates. Smaller companies have to work harder to attract borrowers, which is why they may offer low interest rates which are not publicized in attractive ads.

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Consumers Benefit from the FCRA

By Rob Kosberg

See for the details of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FRCA). This act is written, not for the credit reporting agencies, but for consumers.

The FCRA explains what we can see from the credit reporting agencies and our rights. We have a right to view the financial history which the credit bureaus have for us. Remember that these agencies are interested in money and are "for profit."

Your credit reports will contain alot of information about your financial history. While much of the information is probably accurate, while some may be a surprise to you. In fact, the reports may have completely false or information that should have been removed.

According to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) tells us that we can fix any problems with our credit reports ourselves without any help from a possibly disreputable company. According to the FCRA, the only "negative information" that can remain on your credit report is "negative information" that can be proven to be true.

Get your credit reports, compare, mark any entries that you believe are false. If it's negative and true, it has to stay. Then you will make your case for why information is false.

You will then put together all your documentation for your claims that information is inaccurate. This data is your proof. Send to the credit bureau(s). They must respond and they must prove that the information is true.

If you feel that this process is definitely something that you cannot complete yourself, you might be considering "credit counseling." Please Beware of companies that advertise ability to change your credit score almost overnight. If it sounds too good, it's probably true. Also, you may be required to pay a high "up front" fee and a monthly fee. Remember, these agencies are also businesses that need to make money. These could be SCAMS.

There are people who can probably give you referrals for honest companies or people who can assist you. People are available who are reputable and will take care of your needs.

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Learn Some Basic Student Loan Information Before Applying

By Michael Geoffrey

It is easy today to obtain any type of loan, inclusive student loans. What is not easy is paying it back. Therefore, before you go for any type of student loan, ensure that you understand some basic truths about the process and its consequences.

Student Loan Information: What You Should Know

Before you apply for any student loan, be sure to ask yourself some important questions that will help you to make a well thought out decision. Start by asking, How much financial aid do I really need? and then What plan do I have to pay this loan back successfully?

You also need to have the requirements for eligibility of the loan you want clear in mind. You should know where it would be best to apply, ways to earn money while you are still attending classes, and the time difference between the loan sanction and loan repayment.

As you can see these are questions whose answers make up the student loan information on the basis of which you would know whether it is okay to apply for that financial assistance or not. These questions would also tell you whether the process would be smooth or rough. As you answer to these questions you would understand what you should be prepared for and how to work out your way not only to avail of the loan, but most importantly for its repayment.

Repayment Conditions: Dont Ignore This Important Aspect

Statistics have shown that roughly six out of every ten college students in the United States have incurred serious debt because of student loans and the irresponsible use of credit cards that they have to start paying after graduation. A bad credit history or score is not something that anyone wants to deal with when they are starting out with a brand new career, family, or both.

In order to avoid such unpleasant circumstances, you need to plan out how you will repay your student loan debt now. Even though making good financial choices is not easy when you are young, it is worth putting forth the effort to do. Contact your school for debt counseling instead of maxing out your credit cards if you find yourself in a financial bind.

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Investing In Stock Options 101

By Walter Fox

What is investing? Itas a kind of putting money for the gain of profits. Today, there are a variety of investment options available. Itas not easy to identify the best and most profitable investment option. Keen analysis of the current market trends is necessary.

One of the best programs we see right now are stock option investing. Before trading in stock option investing, though, there are certain steps that need to be followed. The first step? Choosing a company, and then pinpointing its market position and figuring out the market position it will be in the future.

Selection of the company is one of the crucial steps involved. Normally most of the reputed companies offer stock option investing for their internal employers as well as out side public. If your present working company is offering this option for you then I suggest you better take the advantage of it as there will be no external processing fees and additional charges.

And what is the next step? Well, after a company has been selected, then buy the stocks. Donat be afraid of buying a lot of stock, and remember that itas wiser to buy the lower price and more profitable stocks.

Always keep in mind the following formula: high risk equals high gain and low risk equals low gain. Although you may be taking a high risk when investing in a large number of stocks, you are also setting yourself up for much higher profit. Invest in the long term for the steadiest profits.

Have you gone ahead and purchased the company stocks? Well now it is time to pin point its market position and its demand. Find the future analysis of the company on the internet, in newspapers, on television news programs and much more.

It is true that the option trading system provides one of todayas very best programs. Just select the right option and at the right time. That is why online trading stock and options programs are becoming more popular every day.

So finally I would like to say that if you are young and at the middle age of say 30 to 35 then I suggest you better take some risk. At this age it is preferable to take risk as you can not take risk at the later stage of life. Choose right investment option and make good profits.

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How To Buy An Owner Financed Home in Austin, TX

By Laeverneus Homebuysky

If you're looking to buy a home of your own but don't have adequate funds for a deposit or meet other criteria for a traditional mortgage, an owner financed home could provide an alternate path to homeownership. If you are paying rent every month, you're not earning any return on that money " you are helping your landlord build equity in his property. Instead, you should build your own wealth through homeownership. When you own your home, every payment is an investment in a home that you will someday own outright.

The way owner finance homes in Austin work is that instead of borrowing from a bank or mortgage finance company, the seller of the home can actually finance all or part of the purchase price. While partial financing is more common " if you lack funds for a deposit, for example " 100% financing may be possible depending on the terms the seller is willing to offer.

If you've been searching local Austin real estate listings and advertisements, chances are you haven't come across many owner finance home buying opportunities. This doesn't mean they don't exist " you just need to be creative in knowing how to approach a seller with an owner financing proposal. This is more likely to work if a home has been sitting on the market for a while and the seller isn't willing to lower the price in order to sell. In cases like these, the owner might be willing to consider financing all or part of the sale price " the only way to know is to ask.

You can also find owner financed homes in Austin on websites dedicated to this market. Though the requirements are not as strict as conventional lending standards, you must be able to demonstrate to the homeowner that you are able to make the required payments on the property. Because owner financing carries more risk for a lender, payments might be higher than you would otherwise pay with a traditional mortgage. But, if you can afford the payments, you can own a home when you wouldn't otherwise be able to do so. After you've built a solid payment history and some equity in your home, chances are you'll be able to refinance with a traditional lender to lock in a lower interest rate and monthly payment.

Before you decide to buy an Austin area owner financed home, make sure to hire an attorney to review the purchase and sale agreement. You need to clearly understand the terms of the loan and any associated risks of buying owner finance homes. Make sure there are no steep pre-payment penalties for early payoff " you'll want to be able to pay off the loan should you choose to refinance later on. You'll also need to be very clear about your rights and responsibilities under the contract.

Owner finance homes provide seller with the opportunity to quickly sell a home at the price they've set. But, buyers need to realize that the seller isn't doing you a special favor. It's important for buyers to exercise caution in evaluating any type of seller financing. All of the steps you would take for buying a home with a traditional lender, like a building inspection report and professional survey, should be undertaken.

It is important to proceed carefully, even though you may be eager to seal the deal quickly in your quest for homeownership. Owner financed homes in Austin can allow you to become a homeowner, but dont rush " make sure you aren't buying a problem home or succumbing to a predatory loan contract. Treat owner finance homes with caution, and make sure you do your research before signing on the dotted line.

If approached wisely, owner financed home in Austin, TX can provide the way to your own home when other avenues are not available. If you approach owner financed home ownership with a long-term plan in mind, you will be able to move to a traditional mortgage in the future if it offers a better deal.

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How To Set a Good Financial Example for Your Children

By Steve Collins

Do you grit your teeth when you give your children their allowance and it right away vanishes on candy and CDs? Do you feel like your kids have no idea of the value of a dollar or the importance of saving? Do you wish your children would learn to set a goal, such as putting aside their money for a big purchase? Family budget counseling could give you the edge you need. With family budget counseling, you will set a good example for your children. If they are old enough, you may even include their input in the counseling process.

There are so many issues to address in family budget counseling. Whether your children are tiny or ready to drive a car, their needs figure highly in family budget counseling. The basic expenses such as food, clothing, school and medical care are always a factor, but as children age they seem to be more expensive.

Your family budget counseling should include starting a column for saving money specifically for the big ticket items that are still far down the road: a car, insurance, college tuition, a wedding. By creating a reasonable and responsible budget, you will be making sure your familys resources are used in the most financially sound way.

By participating in family budget counseling, you will also be demonstrating to your children the proper way to handle their money. You will show them the importance of planning your spending ahead of time as well as the value of knowing where your money goes to. You will model saving money and the fun of anticipating a big purchase only when you can afford it. And it might even be nice to sit down with your children and create kid budgets, encouraging them to set some spending categories of their own. Remind them that a portion of their money should be saved each week, even if they do not have a specific purchase in mind.

Family budget counseling leads to healthier financial behaviors for everyone in your home and takes the guesswork out of your spending habits. It lets you to plan for the future. And if you do your job well, your children will grow up to be responsible consumers who know how to manage their own finances.

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Getting Student Loans Forgiven: How to Do It

By Marlin Baccus

Most typical college expenses are known to cause students to be in need of extra funds and thus make them apply for what often amount to literally thousands of dollars in student loans. Some college students have incurred so much debt during their college studies that they are nearly bankrupt when they finally graduate and enter the workforce. If you, like many other college students, are feeling completely overwhelmed by immense amounts of debt and see no real way out regardless of what you try to do about it, then filing for bankruptcy may indeed be the right choice based off of your financial situation.

Even though filing for bankruptcy shortly after graduation from college does not seem like a good move financially, it might be your only option if you are buried beneath insurmountable debt from college.

Bankruptcy Filing

The actual process of filing for bankruptcy can get confusing. Remember that you have to do more than fill out some papers. You will be required to appear in court before a judge whose responsibility it is to decide if you really qualify for bankruptcy or not.

Yes, things can be quite confusing at this point so you need to do your homework well. If you cannot afford to get a lawyer to do the dirty works for you, you better learn everything that you can about bankruptcy proceedings. Note that when you file for bankruptcy, the authorities will have to divest you of your properties to pay for your existing student loans.

Some of your personal property cannot be seized. Be sure to notice which properties fall into this category when you do your bankruptcy research. All of the laws associated should be read thoroughly and completely. If you do not quite understand something, get someone who does to assist you since this is a very serious matter.

Remember that paying for a bankruptcy lawyer would be best if you are feeling overwhelmed with all the details of your bankruptcy. They can advise you on what you should do to deal with your student loan debt.

Fortunately, a bankruptcy lawyer is an extremely experienced professional who will know how to go about getting your student loans forgiven in the best way possible. They will be very understanding about your financial problems and will thus not charge you an exorbitant price for their helpful services.

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San Francisco Condominiums

By R. Kim

Short sale and discounted foreclosure in San Francisco bay area has median real estate sales prices down significantly and made it affordable many of its San Francisco condominiums that were out of reach for many condo buyers.

According to one real estate information service, the bay area condominiums have fallen by as much as 6.7 percent to median price of $375,000 in late 2008 and it is down 44.4 percent from November 2007 highs with median price of homes sales at $629,000.

This is causing a frenzy among buyers of condominiums that were prices out of the market in the last few years. San Francisco condos are in location where many of the areas top restaurants, bars, and entertainments are in downtown. Downtown offers unique urban living with excitement of a big city. It is much better than renting an apartment, which was better options when the prices were high, but with decline of prices it is making it more affordable for those with cash.

The average sale price of San Francisco condominiums is between $400,000 to over a $1,000,000. In recent years many new condo developments have gone up in places like Sea Cliff, Sunset, and St Francis Wood.

These also are a good investment for those who are interested in real estate in one of the top areas in California. Of course California offers great weather all around and San Francisco also offer many places to visit.

Luxury high rise San Francisco condos market has not taken much a hit. These luxurious high priced condominiums that are in south of the Market area are still in high demands. Even with the recession, luxury condominiums and penthouses have been selling, majority of them being in upper part of the building. These have been increasing in value anywhere from 15 to 20 percent with strong demands. Because of proximity to work many executives have preferred these condos.

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