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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Learning How To Consolidate Student Loans

By Glen Stroude

Many college students are often saddled with multiple debts due to financial assistance required. This can result in a potentially dangerous situation before or after graduation. These students might end up being overwhelmed by the debts they have to pay off even before they have seen any realized income.

Students need not have to feel this way though. Methods and financial help are in place to provide solutions for various scenarios. It still requires paying off the debts, but nothing is ever easy and positive effort is always required.

Consolidating the many student loans into a single debt is a popular choice. This evolved from the same methods that are often taken up by those who are servicing commercial loans. Both the government and credit companies will provide the same service, with concessions provided for students.

How does debt consolidation for a student work? The multiple loans are put together into one main debt by the credit company the student chooses to work with. The company will then liase with the previous individual creditors that own the student's loans.

The individual creditors will deal exclusively with the credit counselor instead of the student. The loan is then repaid over a contracted period with the student, using the offered interest rate. This is where the best part of consolidating student loans comes into play, with interest rates given to students extremely low.

There are multiple advantages the student will enjoy as a result from this. There are less headaches dealing with a single creditor. The lower interest rates also provides more available credit for the student to use in other urgent areas. Finally, it improves credit ratings and opens up opportunities to take up future loans, if required.

The highlight for consolidating student loans is the more attractive interest rates that government and credit counseling companies will provide. Students are given this privilege due to their lack of earning power in their current situation. It also makes it more viable for individuals to go back to school as education becomes relatively cheaper.

Finally, it is crucial to consider consolidating your student loan debts before the grace repayment period ends. This is so that the credit counselors are in a position to give lower rates. These will have to be raised after the grace period, as their risk position increases as a result.

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What Every First Time Buyer Needs to Know about Home Mortgages

By Troy Cruz William Engle Dawn Khoury James Nissen Robert Hill Chris Laning Janet Taylor Jack Enders Bruce Gross Rick Bean Keith Wood Ray Johnson Alex Velez Juan Hines Paul Holtz Kenya Rios Peggy Dye Neal Dawes Lucas King David Hebert Karl Howell Jarrod Lucky Ruth Coats Doris Lund Ryan Hudson Henry Bush Lonnie May Arlen Bell Wanda Kuebler Kevin Stiles Nick Horton Jorge Pina Chad Copp Fred Brod Jose Cruz Jeremy Stanley Mark Jones Kelly McMahon Barney Bernard Ailleann Alan

Buying a home for the first time is complicated because you are going to have to do so many different things at one time and in order to do it right you are going to have to do these things in the right order. The mortgage process is the most difficult part of buying a home. Most people wrongly think that it is going to be finding their dream home that is going to be the most difficult part, not getting the mortgage.

The mortgage work begins once you find the house that you want to move into. The first thing that you are going to have to do is talk to several different banks to find out what type of mortgage is right for you. First time buyers are going to get extra attention from the banks and may even be able to get special deals. When you are a first time buyer, you are going to find that banks either reject your mortgage application quickly or accept it quickly and really want your business.

They love applications that are backed with a good credit score and a stable financial history. On the other hand, they are going to hate it if you have a bad score, and you might find it impossible to get a mortgage from anyone but a lender that specializes in high-risk mortgages.

What awaits a first time buyer? Those who are getting their first mortgage are going to find that the bank that is lending them the money is extra attentive and responsive to everything. You should also check with your bank to see if they can offer you a lower interest rate, a no fee or no closing cost mortgage or a reduction (or elimination) of the private mortgage insurance that is often required when your down payment is not enough.

Some banks are going to offer those first time buyers a chance to learn about mortgages. This usually comes in the form of a class or seminar where you can learn all about mortgages. Sometimes these classes are optional but some banks require that everyone learn about budgeting your money, how much mortgage they can afford, the different types of mortgages out there, how to pay off their mortgage and other things that you need to make the transition from renter to homeowner successful.

Why do banks and mortgage companies care so much about first time buyers? The answer is simple, if they give you good service and provide you with the best deals possible from the beginning you are going to be more likely to come back to them in the future. Chances are, you are going to need a mortgage in the future. If someone has a great experience with your company, they are going to come back and not even bother looking at the competition in the future.

First time buyers can experience a lot of advantages over repeat mortgage seekers in that they are going to get service that is going to explain the whole process to them and perhaps even some special deals. However, first time buyers should be smart and still use this as an opportunity to shop around and find that best deal that is going to get them into their dream house without spending any more money than necessary.

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Basic Suggestions On Applying For Cheap Loans Online

By James Reilly

Here are some pointers on applying for secured and unsecured loan deals online:

- Companies consider a variety of variables when calculating how much you can borrow, like your income, work status, expenses and credit history. Different brokers use different criteria but most of them share these guidelines. The most prominent brokers are subsidiaries of the clearing banks and they may arrange competitive rates to guarantee you a finance deal that suits your money requirements, with payments you can afford.

- Debt consolidation can be used to hoover up a group of smaller loans, like credit card or other debts; these can be put together into a single loan, normally with a reduced monthly repayment. This is more effective if you negotiate the consolidation loan yourself i.e. get a cheaper loan to pay off more expensive debts which have higher interest rates.

- It is important to comprehend every word of your finance application before you sign, including terms and conditions, because a finance deal may become too dear by adding the annual percentage rate and other fees.

- Financiers will accept some applicants with a lousy credit history; it's down to their own internal credit-scoring system. There are financiers who charge reasonably low rates of interest. You just need to fill in a basic form. To make sure that you are getting accurate quotations, complete the form as thoroughly as possible BUT without making yourself a target for identity fraud (hint: they don't need your mother's maiden name or your exact date of birth!) A small difference in revenue or employment dates can reduce or increase your interest rate.

- As with so a lot of other purchases in life, there's a price point below which you'll not be acquiring a good quality finance deal. See for yourself: get a few quotations from different providers. Some can shave a half-percent here or there, but you may repay it back with fees, insurance or potential penalties later. Watch the small print.

- Draw up a budget. Make sure you use accurate figures. Keep an account of all of the cash that you spend in a month. Use that to help you create the first draft. Keep it updated. An accurate budget allows you to get the most 'bang' for your money without beggaring yourself, while getting rid of wasteful spending.

- A finance deal is an agreement between a customer and a lending company. When you are researching loans, you must first determine what kind you're looking for: a personal, auto, debt consolidation, poor credit or a bridging loan. Amongst the range of loans 'on sale' there are two basic kinds: unsecured and secured. Secured finance deals are those whereby you set some property against your finance deal as security for the lending agent. Unsecured loan deals don't expect any property to be set against them but they attract higher interest rates and it is necessary to have a good credit record to obtain a finance deal of this type. Personal loan deals are useful when you need to cover certain expenses or you need to make essential purchases.

- The total cost of your loan will depend on the annual percentage rate and associated fees. The _annualised_ percentage rate (APR) takes into account the whole interest amount _and_ associated fees. The lower the APR figure the less loan costs will be. Interest on loans is charged in one of two ways, as either a fixed or variable rate. A fixed interest rate is guaranteed for the whole term of the loan and it won't be dependent on market fluctuations. The variable interest rate is usually lower than fixed interest rates in the beginning; however they do not offer the security of a fixed interest rate. Once you make a final decision on a finance deal, make sure that you are aware of the total costs involved, including any additional fees attached to early repayment. You need to be sure you can afford them.

I hope these few basic suggestions will assist you in getting a good internet loan bargain.

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Credit report repair - Do it yourself

By Mark Taylor

There isn't one person out there that has never experienced a bad credit mark. Yes, some people have a larger list of bad marks than others, every one of us is in one of just a few possible places with regard to bad credit marks. Your reports are either perfect / nearly perfect, or they need some help fast, or they are shot to hell, and credit is a thing of the past.

It doesn't matter which category you fall under you should have some knowledge of how to remove bad marks. The bottom line is sometime between now and when you die you will face the challenge of a bad mark against your good name. Having the knowledge of removing such a bad mark whether it's your or not is truly an asset.

When it comes to removing unwanted marks, there are no guarantees. However with a little knowledge and practice of some proven tactics you will be pleasantly surprised at what you can accomplish. Don't underestimate the power of improving your credit reports. The savings on interest over your life time can be in the millions.

Ok so in order to start the process the first thing you need is a current copy of all 3 of your credit reports. Fixing one report isn't enough. Order your reports from Experian, Trans-union, and Equifax. When you receive these reports you will need to look at each item and identify the ones that hurt. Now we simply challenge the accuracy of these bad marks.

Now again use your brain here, if the debt is large and unpaid and recent you will invariably get a response when challenging it and its also likely you will get a letter or phone call to resolve it. Welcome the opportunity to negotiate and pay the debt, and then re-challenge the mark. Creditors are less likely to respond when there's no money on the table.

Ideally you want your bad mark to be at a point where there is no reason for an office worker to get off their lazy butt and respond to the credit bureaus about your challenge. If $5,000 is on the line they may put down the hamburger and reply, if however it's a situation that's been settled or so old they don't have any information they may choose to finish their burger instead.

At the point that the bad mark becomes settled then there is no real benefit for the creditor to respond to your challenge. I've seen a 70% success rate at this point. Beyond that it's a matter of thoroughly challenging the mark.

*You can use a separate document noting the account, and account numbers or simply write directly on the report. Ask the bureau to remove the incorrect information as it's inaccurate and to please verify the inaccuracy and update you as to the results.

The steps to clean credit are a lot of fun. Experiment with your credit reports and you will see some amazing results. You should even consider offering the service to your community, you can make some good money helping others fix their bad credit.

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Houston Credit Repair Coach Talks About Removing Credit Judgments

By Cliff Pape

When you have some credit judgments on your credit report, deleting them is a good way to recuperate your credit worthiness, as well as improve your credit score.

If you have unsettled debts just sitting there on your report for too long, then you are increasing the risk of the creditor taking you to court to get a credit judgment. Credit judgments are a court order that demands payment from you on a contract or obligation you made. A credit judgment is the "ultimate validation" of your owed debt because a judge has usually reviewed documentation and has ruled that the debt is in fact valid.

There are other impairments with credit judgments that can create difficulties to get supplements of credit; particularly in the case of the credit judgment adhering to your real property when you are striving to get a mortgage.

Here are some suggested ways to remove credit judgments:

1. Push for a Motion to Vacate

Your credit judgment can be deleted from your credit report immediately if your vacate request is approved. If you choose to do this you will have to find out about the court procedures in your area.

2. Check for the Statute of Limitations for your State.

In Texas, the statute of limitation on judgments is 10 years, but can be renewed within 2 years after expiration. Maximum interest rate on a judgment is 8.25% which is lower than the previous 10%.

Judgments will typically remain on your credit report for 7 years; however they sometimes stay collectible for 20 years. Once the 20 year period is up, it is rather simple to get an extension if the judgment is open and has not yet been collected.

Credit judgments that have exceeded your state's statute of limitations can be removed with the credit bureaus. You will need to dispute that specific judgment as being "obsolete".

3. Negotiate for Removal

You may also try to negotiate a pay for delete with the original creditor to get the judgment deleted completely from your credit report. If you just pay the judgment without negotiating for it to be deleted as well, then it will still be reported on your credit report and updated as paid.

Wish you well.

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Top 3 Business Mistakes that Kill your Profit

By Susan Carter

You've probably wished many times that you knew ahead of time how to avoid the mistakes that are going to cost you money. When it comes to your business, these can be so costly that you may lose thousands of dollars if you make them. My goal is to help you avoid some of the important ones so that you stay on the right track to making money, instead of losing money.

1. Not setting up your business in the correct Business Structure. Many new business owners dont think they need to set up their company as a legal business entity because it's only them working. They dont think its a problem to combine their business accounts with their personal accounts. Regrettably, this mixing of money and expenses causes a huge problem for the new business owner. If they keep their business and personal activity separate, they present to the taxing authorities (Uncle Sam) an obvious picture that they are functioning as a business and not as a hobby.

Always keep in mind that a loan to an individual is considered a personal loan - and its reported to the personal credit bureaus. However, a loan to a corporation, partnership or LLC, is reported to the business credit bureaus " if they have used their EIN on their application. Personal FICO scores are, therefore, not affected (if there is no personal guarantee on the loan). A business will look more professional in the eyes of a lender or bank if they are set up as a business entity. This is critical in the business world.

2. Not presenting your business as established and in working order. This means that your business has its own address and phone number. It is very important that your business is listed in the national 411 directory. Many people run their business using a cell phone number as their business phone number. However, a cell phone number is not acceptable for most financial institutions. When you apply for a loan or line of credit, the lender will call 411 to verify that you are an established business with a specific address and phone number. Lenders also do not want to see P.O. boxes or UPS addresses. They want a real, physical address. The address listed in the 411 directory must match the address listed with the State because the financial institutions will go online and verify your business information with the State. If they do not find a match, you may be denied business credit.

3. Not checking your credit report. You know how important it is to regularly check your personal credit reports to make sure there are no mistakes on them, but it is also important that you check your business credit report as well. When you are a new business and try to apply for business lines of credit, or trade credit (i.e. Home Depot card), vendors and financial institutions generally ask for a personal guarantee before extending business credit to your company. If you have not checked on your personal credit reports, and there are mistakes, you may lose your ability to get business credit because of possible negative data. This also holds true for business credit reports. Dun & Bradstreet is the most well known of the business credit agencies and if false, or negative information is reported to D&B, you will also be denied credit. Financial institutions are looking to lend money to a business that is being reported as a good credit risk. It is critical that your personal and business creditworthiness are reported accurately with the credit agencies, and it is up to you to verify on a regular basis that all your financial activity is being reported accurately.

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