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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting Irregular Income? Look Into A Low Doc Home Loan.

By Guy Baldwin

People who are self employed suffer a lot of hardship when they are trying to arrange a mortgage. It does not seem fair as most of these people are as financially viable as anyone. The way self employment works, however, has not traditionally supported the self employed person when they wish to apply for an Australia home loan.

The problem usually lies with your ability to prove your income without any doubt for the previous few financial years. If you are self employed this can be a red tape horror in terms of necessary documentation. Banks can have you running around for days and then still refuse you when you think you have jumped through all their hoops. Sometimes the problem may be an inability to accurately predict your next year's income due to the fluctuations involved in self employment.

If this is something you can relate to then you will be pleased to hear about a new type of loan on the market. It is officially called a low doc home loan and it is designed to make things easier for people like you who are looking for Australian home loans. Many lenders are starting to offer these types of loans with various conditions to suit the lender. You often have a choice of variable or fixed rate mortgage the same as you do with a regular loan.

There are of course pro's and con's the same as with any home loan product. You need to shop around and read the fine print to make sure you are getting the best deal you can get to suit your situation.

Some lenders insist you pay for lender mortgage insurance once you get into borrowing upward of eighty percent of the property's value. This is not necessarily a bad thing but it is something you need to be aware of from the outset. Banks also associate a higher level of risk with self employed customers due to a perceived instability in their income. Because of this it is possible they will charge a higher rate for you mortgage. On the bright side after a period of reliable payment many lenders will reduce this rate. It pays to discuss this with your lender when you first start shopping for your Australian home loans.

The things that may work in your favor on this type on loan are many. Proof of finance is not needed so if this has always been an obstacle to your acquiring your own home then that is great news for you. A simple financial statement will suffice. Most prominently irregular sources of income are considered. A big bonus for the self employed.

To help you check the fine print and locate the best deal for you, you will need to check with someone who knows what they are doing. These types of areas can be very complicated and a wrong choice can be exclusive. You would do well to contact the experts at DirectMoney Home Loans.

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Know More About Home Loan Products

By Guy Baldwin

Many people are still looking to buy houses despite the economic climate and why not. People will still need somewhere to live even if there is a credit crunch on. Buying a house now is really not such a bad idea especially if you have a bit of capital behind you. Prices have stopped their ridiculous climb and low interest rates on Home Loans make it a very attractive choice next to renting. So long as you are fairly secure in your economic situation then there is really no reason not to get a home loan. So long as you do your research and choose the right option a Home Loan now may prove a very smart move indeed.

So, what are your options in today's market? People keep going on about how dire things are but really the variety of options open to you is vast. Depending on your situation you may want to consider a First Home Owner loan or if that is not for you then a Low Doc home loan may be the answer to your needs. Perhaps you need to learn a little more about those options.

People who are looking for an Australian home loan and are first home buyers are especially lucky if they live in NSW. They will be able to grab hold of a first homebuyers guide to help them on their way. The really fantastic news about this is that it is available to all first home buyers with no exceptions. It does not matter how much money you earn or even if you have lots of capital in the bank. It is still yours for the taking. The other good news is that it does not matter what the price is of the home you are looking to buy. If you are building the house yourself then you are entitled to twenty one thousand dollars. If you are buying an old house then you can get fourteen thousand. This will be a big help in your quest to get your first mortgage and move into your first home. If you are not lucky enough to live in NSW then other states have other deals you need to get in contact and find out what they can do for you.

If you are not buying your first home and you are self employed then there is a better option for you. It is called the Low Doc home loan. Self employed people and sometimes other types of individuals can sometimes have trouble providing all the documentation that is needed to complete a home loan. Evidence of their income can sometimes prove troublesome for these people. If this sounds like you then a low doc home loan is the option for you. You should be aware that some lenders charge higher interest rates due to risk on these types of loans so you need to check out all your options carefully.

If you are a bit lost as to which of the many options is for you then you need someone with some expertise to fill you in on all the details. DirectMoney Home Loans have all the answers for you because they have been helping people like you for years.

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Repair Your Credit Score - Find Out How

By Bart Icles

One of the major factors that makes up your credit score is your debt to credit ratio. It actually makes up about 30% of your score. You can easily calculate that ratio by yourself by taking your existing credit card balances and divide it by the total amount of credit that is available to you. Even though this is a very simple calculation, it does provide valuable information as to how easy it is to manipulate your credit score.

So, what if you have a low credit score and want to improve it? You can take advantage of any of the following strategies to push your debt to credit ratio to a more favorable position. There is no magic ratio that you are trying to stay under, but it has been said that under 45% is the safest.

1- The first thing you can do to increase your credit score and lower your debt to credit ratio is to increase your credit limits. The more credit you have available the lower your ratio will be. You should get in the practice of calling all the lenders with whom you have made on time payments for the last 6 months and ask for a credit limit increase. Do this every six months!

2- Take time to review your credit report and reactivate all old accounts. Did you know that most lenders will deactivate your credit card if it is not used for 3-6 months? Inactive card limits are not counted towards your debt to credit ratio. You need to make sure to use every one of your cards to make small purchases over 3-6 months to keep the card active and counting toward your ratio.

3- You can raise your available credit by applying for a new credit card (if you can stay in control of your spending). By adding another card, you are adding available credit without adding to your credit balance. The more credit you are issued and have available, the better your debt to credit ratio will be.

4- Have you ever heard of an authorized user? Most of us havent. Sometimes, due to our lack of credit history, it is hard to build a large available credit limit. If you ask a friend or family member, who has excellent credit and a long credit history to add you to their account, you will immediately receive the benefit of their history and credit limit without the responsibility of making payments.

5- The last and probably the hardest for most individuals is to pay down your balances. As I said above, you should try to get your debt to credit ratio below 45% for the maximum benefit to your credit score.

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The Basic Facts For Mortgage Loans

By Trinity Collie

Most people, at some point in their lives, decide to buy a home. In many cases, it makes financial sense to buy a home instead of renting one. Buying a home is very costly so most people need to borrow money to be able to purchase a home. There are a few different options when choosing a mortgage loan so it will be helpful to educate yourself before you make the choice.

Fixed rate mortgages have been around the longest and are still one of the most frequently used loans. If you decide on a fixed rate mortgage, you will have to choose the term of the loan. Most people have a thirty year term, but options for ten, fifteen and even forty year terms are also available in some cases these days. Obviously, a ten year mortgage would be the least expensive loan since the interest rates are usually lower and the amount of time you are paying interest is shorter.

Over the past five to ten years, an adjustable rate mortgage, or ARM, has become increasingly more popular. As the name suggests, adjustable rate mortgages have interest rates that adjust as the market changes. A few years back, when the real estate market was booming and you could get really low interest rates, people signed up for these mortgages. Many of them are facing financial troubles as now the market has shifted and the interest rates have soared increasing their monthly payments.

This can be difficult to manage if you don't plan for it. If your monthly income is fixed, but your mortgage isn't, you could end up not being able to make the payment and eventually lose your home. A lot of people think that if they ever hit a point where they can't afford their home they will just sell it. This is a misconception though because you can only sell your home if there is someone willing to buy it.

Due to the changes in the real estate market, it is a lot more difficult to get a mortgage loan today than it was five years ago. Banks are looking at every borrower as a potential high risk. In order to even be considered as a borrower, you will need to have excellent credit and a down payment. You may need at least ten percent of the cost of the home to put down in order to qualify for a loan.

Mortgage loans are very helpful for those of us who hope to own a home someday. When it's your turn to make the purchase, be sure to choose the type of mortgage that is smartest for you.

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Using Invoice Factoring to Survive the Economic Downturn

By Phillip Evans

Its now a blatant fact that the United Kingdom Economy is in decline and Company Directors interested in their Companies existence must have a plan or they will most certainly go into administration

The tricky trading conditions over the Christmas and New Years holiday season saw an exceptional level of shops go bust

Stores and Companies to be effected by the economic downturn are Savvi the music retailer formerly Virgin Megastore, Adams the Independent childrens clothes retailer, USC the Fashion store and Whittard of Chelsea, the specialist tea and coffee retailer.

Another victim of the recession has been our beloved Woolworths that went into administration just before Christmas and saw its final stores close on the 5th of January 2009, which has left 27,000 people facing redundancy.

Businesses wishing to survive the recession need to have 4 things; credible management team, a viable business core, a valid business plan and appropriate funding say The Turnaround Management Association

The credit crunch and lack of liquidity within the financial money markets has restricted traditional forms of lending from Banks into Businesses to very dangerous levels. This limitation of funding has implemented a Cash Flow Squeeze on British Business.

As an economy enters into recession one of the first thing a business should start consistently doing is keeping a tight rain upon costs. A firm hand upon expenses can save a business. Look at shipping costs, promotion and marketing, office premises and even the smallest things such as turning off the office heating at the end of the working day.

Cash Flow within a business is vital at any time but even more so in a recession and having access to working capital should be at the top of any business owners list. Funding a business with invoice factoring, which is increasingly popular for small to medium businesses. While not suitable for all Companies, the huge benefit of debt factoring is that rather than have money tied up in invoices that are yet to be paid, you can receive an initial payment up front, typically 80% - 85% of the gross value, and the remainder when the customer pays the invoices to an invoice finance provider, less the service fee which has been negotiated with them. However, if the customer defaults on payment, then the factoring company will recover the money provided to you initially from any further invoices which are factored. This can lead to unpredictable cash flow if customers are slow payers or they go into insolvency.

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Are You In Search Of Bridging Home Loan?

By Guy Baldwin

There are just so many home loan products out there at the moment. This a good thing because it gives you the chance to find one that completely suits your unique financial situation. The fact it is a good thing does not prevent it being very confusing at times. You may be looking to debt consolidate or you may need a home equity loan. It could even be that you are after a first home buyer loan. Whatever the situation you have got a lot of choices in front of you and it is vital that you understand each choice completely.

One of the individual situations that people encounter is where a bridging loan comes in. Most people have been in a chain for buying a house and know it can be a very tricky position to be in. The timing of selling your house and buying another rarely works out as you would want it to despite your best efforts and organization skills. This is where a bridging home loan product can come in very handy. The way it works is that the bank agrees to cover both sides of your deal for a limited time. The only thing you need to worry about is whether you can afford to pay for your existing mortgage and the interest on the second house for a short period of time. If you can then this type of finance allows you unprecedented flexibility. A bridging home loan usually lasts anywhere from a couple of weeks up to twelve months.

Another product that may interest you if you are looking for a home loan product is the split rate home loan. This is an interesting loan especially for those people not brave enough to go for a completely variable loan. As the name suggests it is a half and half loan. It allows you the security of a fixed rate loan with half of the mortgage and the flexibility of a variable loan on the other half of the home loan. You need to investigate this option carefully as different conditions can apply to the two different halves of the loan and it is important that you are aware of all of the limitations.

The last option you might want to consider is the home equity loan, this is also known as a revolving line of credit or a line of credit home loan. This is the home loan that allows you the most amazing flexibility with your finances. It is essentially a credit facility secured against the equity in your home. It allows you to withdraw funds up to that limit at any time you like. This can be very useful if you have ongoing renovations on the house or you are self employed.

If all of this sounds very good but you still don't feel you have a solid enough understanding to move forward on your home loan then you need to call in the experts. The people at Directmoney Home Loans are there to help you make a decision.

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