How To Make The Most Of Your Time with a Credit Counselor
Seeking the services of a credit counselor is an intelligent way to find a solution to your financial problems. An experienced credit counselor has a full arsenal of suggestions and strategies to help you in making the most of your income and modify your spending habits as you work towards reducing and eventually eliminating your debts.
A key to exploiting your time with a credit counselor is to have certain pieces of information in hand prior to your first meeting. Being ready will help you both avoid wasting time on activities that could have easily been done on your own such as making a list of your expenses and income.
The first thing a credit counselor will ask you is how much you make and how much you spend. The answers need to be exact so that your counselor can help you work out a budget that is actually achievable. As any good credit counselor will tell you, its easy to underestimate how much money youre actually spending every month, so dont simply estimate it. Take a moment to look over a few months worth of bank savings and checking account statements and all of your credit card and store card statements. Try to use the average of at least the last three months to get as accurate a picture of your true spending habits as possible. This is precisely the kind of information your credit counselor will rely on to give you the best help he or she can.
If your income fluctuates because you're self-employed, work on commissions, or get bonuses from time to time, find an average for the last 6-12 months. Again, this is a more accurate picture of your actual income numbers, which will greatly improve your chances of maximizing your time with a credit counselor. Having this information in hand before your first meeting with the credit counselor will mean you can move on to the advice portion of the meeting much faster.
Finally, it is a good idea to write out any and all questions that you may want to ask the credit counselor the night before your meeting so that its still fresh in your mind during your session. Remember " there is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to finding ways to improve your financial situation!
A key to exploiting your time with a credit counselor is to have certain pieces of information in hand prior to your first meeting. Being ready will help you both avoid wasting time on activities that could have easily been done on your own such as making a list of your expenses and income.
The first thing a credit counselor will ask you is how much you make and how much you spend. The answers need to be exact so that your counselor can help you work out a budget that is actually achievable. As any good credit counselor will tell you, its easy to underestimate how much money youre actually spending every month, so dont simply estimate it. Take a moment to look over a few months worth of bank savings and checking account statements and all of your credit card and store card statements. Try to use the average of at least the last three months to get as accurate a picture of your true spending habits as possible. This is precisely the kind of information your credit counselor will rely on to give you the best help he or she can.
If your income fluctuates because you're self-employed, work on commissions, or get bonuses from time to time, find an average for the last 6-12 months. Again, this is a more accurate picture of your actual income numbers, which will greatly improve your chances of maximizing your time with a credit counselor. Having this information in hand before your first meeting with the credit counselor will mean you can move on to the advice portion of the meeting much faster.
Finally, it is a good idea to write out any and all questions that you may want to ask the credit counselor the night before your meeting so that its still fresh in your mind during your session. Remember " there is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to finding ways to improve your financial situation!
About the Author:
Steve Collins is a writer and journalist. In these trying times, he knows the importance of obtaining effective debt solutions if necessary. Read his article about debt solutions here.
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