Getting Student Loans With Bad Credit
Are you hoping to someday go to college? Many people in your situation find themselves afraid because of poor credit history. Don't be afraid. There are actually quite a few options for individuals that have bad credit. Getting a college education might be a lot easier than you think.
Perkins loans and Stafford loans are two of the loan options that are available for individuals that have bad credit. There are also grants such as Pell grants that don't consider credit history as part of the approval process.
Stafford loans are by far the most common of all of the loans that are offered as part of the Federal financial aid program. Stafford loans come in two types: subsidized and un-subsidized.
The subsidized version of the Stafford loan is only available to individuals that have financial need. These loans are great because the federal government takes care of the interest on the loan while you're still in school and also for the first six month after you finish school.
Unsubsidized Stafford loans are given to anyone who wants them, but are somewhat different than the subsidized version. The funds that can be taken are somewhat smaller then the subsidized version and the federal government doesn't pay for the interest that builds up.
Perkins loans are also available for students that have bad credit. Perkins loans are harder to qualify for in that you must have more financial need than those who can qualify for Stafford loans. You can qualify for Perkins loans even if you have a bad credit history.
A Federal Pell grant is only available for students with significant financial need. Your past income and possibly the income of your parents will be examined to determine if you qualify for a Pell grant. Pell grant awards can range in size from just a few hundred dollars to amounts that would cover all of tuition and expenses.
Pell grants are great because they don't need to be paid back. As long as you complete the semester for which you are granted the funds, the money will be yours. They are a great way to fund your education, even if you have bad credit.
Perkins loans and Stafford loans are two of the loan options that are available for individuals that have bad credit. There are also grants such as Pell grants that don't consider credit history as part of the approval process.
Stafford loans are by far the most common of all of the loans that are offered as part of the Federal financial aid program. Stafford loans come in two types: subsidized and un-subsidized.
The subsidized version of the Stafford loan is only available to individuals that have financial need. These loans are great because the federal government takes care of the interest on the loan while you're still in school and also for the first six month after you finish school.
Unsubsidized Stafford loans are given to anyone who wants them, but are somewhat different than the subsidized version. The funds that can be taken are somewhat smaller then the subsidized version and the federal government doesn't pay for the interest that builds up.
Perkins loans are also available for students that have bad credit. Perkins loans are harder to qualify for in that you must have more financial need than those who can qualify for Stafford loans. You can qualify for Perkins loans even if you have a bad credit history.
A Federal Pell grant is only available for students with significant financial need. Your past income and possibly the income of your parents will be examined to determine if you qualify for a Pell grant. Pell grant awards can range in size from just a few hundred dollars to amounts that would cover all of tuition and expenses.
Pell grants are great because they don't need to be paid back. As long as you complete the semester for which you are granted the funds, the money will be yours. They are a great way to fund your education, even if you have bad credit.
About the Author:
Dave helps people by teaching them about using a bad credit private student loan to pay for school. He also provides further instructions about online bad credit student loans.
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