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Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Truth about Identity Theft

By Linda Seamore

Have you ever thought about how police officers and other officials protect their identity? We've got news for you! We've revealed precisely what these crooks disclose to the police about identity theft scams.

There were nearly 12 million events of identity theft in the United States in 2006, according to the U.S. Postal Service; which cost consumers about $6.3 billion! Consumers certainly raised their awareness after hearing this dreadful statistic; however, there are still consumers who are unaware of the distinctive techniques these identity thieves use. One renowned identity theft revealed, in an extensive interview, the 4 common mistakes she used to take your money!

Myth #1: Only Men are Identity Thieves

This is a quite common mistake that most identity thieves say make their job that much easier. A major problem is that the media always portrays identity thieves as men. However, most of these criminals are good-looking and well-kept women. You can easily dodge this trap, by being careful with your information around both men and women. Research has shown that both men and women let down their guard around women, as opposed to men. Just keep in mind that any one of us could be a potential identity thief. No need to become paranoid; simply be more careful.

Mistake #2: Trusting the Nice Store Clerk or Friendly Waiter

We understand this is probably one of the most difficult things to avoid, because we usually have to give our personal information at checkout or when the bill comes at the restaurant. Shockingly, some of the people who wait may have two jobs. During the day, they may work in the department store, and in the evening they take on a side job. This "side" job is sometimes a way to easily steal credit card numbers from their customers. It works like magic, because they have access to your credit card number in hand. If you really want to stay on top of this, you have to check your account statements. Keeping a journal of your expenses may be a good thing to help you monitor.

If you monitor your statement closely as soon as you receive them, the less stressed you'll be, should a situation occur. Let's think about quickly can a person, working at a shopping mall or restaurant, get access to hundreds of customers' personal data? You got it...very quickly! Our notorious identity thief revealed in her interview that most identity theft criminals work at these sorts of places for a few months, and once all the information is in-hand, they're on the next flight to the Bahamas!

Myth #3: Throwing Away Unopened Junk Mail

If you have good credit, bad credit, or no credit at all, your information is out there. On average, you can get about 15-20 plus offers every month to open a new checking/savings account, or a credit card. The thing that makes this a big problem is that most of us are too lazy to closely monitor our documents. There are two types of people in this situation. There's the person who may not have a shredding machine, but still decides to just throw the mail with all sorts of personal information in the trash or just tear it in half. Then there's the person who actually owns a personal shredding machine, but doesn't "feel" like shredding each and every piece of information.

Remember, the only thing a criminal has to do to get his/her hands on your personal data is go through your trash, and you become a victim. Having a hard time believing? Think about this, what are you usually doing at 3 in the morning? Well, let's think about what the trustworthy identity thief is doing. He or she is in your trash rummaging through, taking information and going home to fit the pieces to the puzzle. Hint: Once you get done shredding the documents, add some water to the trash bag before sealing it and then throw it away. Your information will be chopped to little pieces and wet and smeared, which leaves it illegible.

Misconception # 4 Sending or Receiving Mail from at Your Home

By now you are beginning to see the point. Identity thieves commit their crimes in several ways. They steal credit card payments and other outgoing mail from private or curbside mailboxes. In fact, according to our expert, some will go a step further and file a change of address form in the victims name to divert mail and gather personal and financial data. Here is a simple tip. First, drop all of your outgoing mail in a local United States Postal Service mailbox. Second, consider opening a P.O. Box. I know this seems inconvenient but to truly protect yourself, these are some of the preventative measures you must take to win the fight against identity theft.

The biggest issue is that there are so many avenues in which to become a victim; stay protected all day every day. Don't try to fix the problem alone!

It's very difficult to protect yourself and your family, successfully, without help. Trying to do it alone can be worrisome and not very effective. It makes a huge difference when you have someone protecting you who has actually been through the storm! LifeLock is a company who has absolutely outstanding identity theft protection for everyday people.

When finding an identity theft protection service provider, make certain it has been recommended by law officials, and that the service will actually work in a real-life situation.

Identity Theft Prevention and Identity Theft Protection are nothing to joke about. STOP Identity Theft with LifeLock. LifeLock guarantees identity theft will NEVER happen to you. Please visit to learn more about how to protect you and your loved ones from identity theft.

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