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Thursday, February 26, 2009

The History of Life Insurance.

By Tom Martens

Insurance offers financial protection against risk, and buying insurance policies has become a normal part of modern life for almost all of us. Although one form or another of insurance has been around for thousands of years, most of the everyday kinds of insurance in common use today are relative newcomers on the historical scene.

Insurance itself can be traced back to the ancient Chinese, around 5000 BC, as a way to protect traders. There are also stories of a more humanistic form of insurance, with neighbors helping neighbors and settlers taking care of each other during difficult periods in history. While that has no monetary value attached to it like our current insurance policies do, we consider that insurance because of the gesture of caring and providing for someone else. What we think of as life insurance didn't come along until later.

Life insurance dates back to ancient Rome, but it wasn't called life insurance then. The Romans had "burial clubs," in which members paid for the funeral expenses of the deceased and helped the deceased's survivors financially. This was part of what was considered a proper burial. The Romans believed that if a person was not buried properly, they would not rest in the afterlife. The burial clubs were necessary to cover the funeral expenses, because part of a proper burial was a large and often lavish funeral celebration.

Modern life insurance dates from the late 1600's in England. Life insurance was originally intended, like the ancient Chinese tangs, to protect the transactions of merchants and traders. The death of a business partner, without insurance, could lead to disastrous results to the commercial enterprise. These early life insurance policies protected those who brought goods into society and those who sold them to the public. Life quickly became essential to stable commerce.

The first American life insurance company appeared in 1732 in Charleston, South Carolina, but at its inception, the company only offered fire insurance. Life insurance policies were not offered in the Thirteen Colonies until the 1760's, but providing them quickly became a big business. After the American Revolution, there were issues with life insurance policies for slaves. One New York insurer supposedly issued 485 policies on the lives of slaves just in two years in the decade of the 1840's. However, the sale of life insurance on the lives of slaves stopped several years before the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation. The insurance companies, in the North, were ordered by their states to search their records to purge any policies that indirectly supported slavery. There is no record of any such policies being found.

Regardless of what type of insurance policy you may hold, it is clear that the history of insurance is a rich and complex history. But one constant hasn't changed. Insurance is designed to protect us from whatever life sends our way. Contact a qualified insurance provider if you have questions about how insurance can benefit and protect you. A qualified insurance provider will examine your specific situation and help determine what type of insurance will best protect you and your family.

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