Credit Repair via Credit Counseling
You may come to the decision that going through repairing your own credit is not something that you can complete without some outside help. There is no shame in having to locate some help because of your emotional reactions or poor money management ability.
If you choose to take the professional route, you also need to be very thorough in you investigations of the third party options available to you. The public is bombarded with paper media and online information about credit repair. Beware of a lot of this information. Many of these almost unbelievable claims are just that "unbelievable."
When you first read the claims of some of the agencies, you should be able to tell that the claims are ridiculous, such as: repair credit overnight. While those kinds of claims are fairly obvious, others are not. The internet will have ads for you to have several agencies contact you for help. You provide some information. What you might end up with are some annoying and possible nasty phone calls.
Initially, you want to contact agencies to get an idea of what services are offered, time frames, rates and any other financial help available. Some of the agencies will ask for your financial information before they will provide agency information. Avoid these agencies. The basic information is a must.
Any agency that you contact should be more than willing to explain how they operate, the services they provide, cost structure, any other available help without knowing any of your personal information.
Once you locate agencies that provide you the initial information, you are going to want more questions answered. You will need to hear the effect this process will have on your credit report, the debt management services offered, possible money management workshops or seminars. You must know how the agencies will keep you apprised of their activities.
One of the most important questions to be answered is: what are the agency fees? Some will ask for large amounts of money upfront and large monthly fees. If you can't afford all your debt payments, how will you afford agency fees? Be careful that you don't get into a long, drawn out repayment situation because of charged fees even if the agency claims to be nonprofit.
Your reward for doing all this preliminary searching will be that you will locate an appropriate credit counseling agency to match your needs.
If you choose to take the professional route, you also need to be very thorough in you investigations of the third party options available to you. The public is bombarded with paper media and online information about credit repair. Beware of a lot of this information. Many of these almost unbelievable claims are just that "unbelievable."
When you first read the claims of some of the agencies, you should be able to tell that the claims are ridiculous, such as: repair credit overnight. While those kinds of claims are fairly obvious, others are not. The internet will have ads for you to have several agencies contact you for help. You provide some information. What you might end up with are some annoying and possible nasty phone calls.
Initially, you want to contact agencies to get an idea of what services are offered, time frames, rates and any other financial help available. Some of the agencies will ask for your financial information before they will provide agency information. Avoid these agencies. The basic information is a must.
Any agency that you contact should be more than willing to explain how they operate, the services they provide, cost structure, any other available help without knowing any of your personal information.
Once you locate agencies that provide you the initial information, you are going to want more questions answered. You will need to hear the effect this process will have on your credit report, the debt management services offered, possible money management workshops or seminars. You must know how the agencies will keep you apprised of their activities.
One of the most important questions to be answered is: what are the agency fees? Some will ask for large amounts of money upfront and large monthly fees. If you can't afford all your debt payments, how will you afford agency fees? Be careful that you don't get into a long, drawn out repayment situation because of charged fees even if the agency claims to be nonprofit.
Your reward for doing all this preliminary searching will be that you will locate an appropriate credit counseling agency to match your needs.
About the Author:
With unprecedented challenges in the credit markets it?s more important than ever to have excellent credit. For more information visit Rob Kosbergs' Detailed FREE Guide on Maintaining and Repairing your Credit Score by going to Bad Credit Repair for your FREE information.
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