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Friday, February 27, 2009

The Art of Complaining

By Ed Greene

Almost nobody likes to complain.

But, when you or someone in your family has been seriously wronged, what choice do you have?

If you buy a car that turns out to be a lemon, if you purchase an appliance that doesn't work, if your mechanic charges you hundreds of dollars but doesn't fix your problem, or if your contractor falls months behing schedule, walking away quietly is really not an option. The problem is that complaining rarely helps wronged consumers.

There is an easy explanation for why that is the case. Most people do not know how to complain effectively. To get be an effective is what you need to know.

1. Effective complainers, like good negotiators, always know what they want to come away with. Complain only after you have decided what you want.

2. Let the other party make you an offer before you propose a solution. You may get more than you you would have asked for. It happens.

3. Act like a jerk and you'll be treated like one; and remember that nobody wants to treat a jerk well. Be patient, polite, cheerful, and civil. In other words, be the kind of person you would want to help.

4. Recognize that the first person with whom you speak may not be able to give you what you want. If that is the case, politely ask to speak with whomever has the authority to resolve your problem.

5. Do you hope to have a continuing relationship with the organization to which you are complaining? Have you been satisfied with their performance in the past? If so, make sure to say so.

6. Nobody likes intimidation or ultimatums; avoid both. And, avoid words like "demand", "insist", and "immediately".

7. Remember that it is often the second or third person in the chain of command who will acede to your request; don't accept the first or even the second "no" as final if you sincerely believe you have been wronged.

8. The threat of complaining to a consumer watchdog agency or hiring an attorney seldom leads to a quick solution, but it may be worth trying as your very last resort. But, only as your very last resort.

How likely are these eight suggestions to get you the results you seek? They have helped me get $1,000 back on a car purchase, an insurance settlement increase of $3,000, a free week of golf, complimentary meals, and more. Be assured that they can help you get similar results.

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