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Friday, January 2, 2009

Investing In Foreclosures: A Shortcut To Real Estate Riches

By Tomasheus Privetsky

Foreclosure investors who had been carefully watching the housing boom at the turn of the century unfold may have been able to anticipate the current housing crisis. Along with the growing number of foreclosures has come a wealth of investment opportunities.

There have been many foreclosures and most of the sub-prime lenders are now out of business. There are many opportunities here for the real estate investors who can keep ahead of their competition.

Its A Huge Foreclosure Investing Boom, But Can You Capitalize On It? While cashing in on the housing crisis might seem as simple as getting a list of properties which are in default, getting in touch with the owners and trying to make a deal before the bank retakes possession of the home. You may want to fix the home up and resell it or hang on to it and make your money from rental income. You probably think that there is no way to lose money on the deal, this is, however not always the case.

Getting into the foreclosure investing game could be an extremely lucrative move that alone could not only feed your family but pay for lavish lifestyle and vacations. Or it could turn into a big black hole consuming all of your time, energy and marketing dollars.

There are few people who consistently turn a profit on their foreclosure investments. Why is this? They are in a competitive, crowded market and are going about things the wrong way.

Making Yourself Stand Out To Homeowners in Foreclosure Investing Game. Crowded and competitive is probably understating the case. Foreclosures are a very competitive sector of the real estate market. The media have been giving a lot of attention to foreclosure investing as of late, meaning there are more people getting involved in these investments. Many send out mass mailings to homeowners facing foreclosure, others even bother them with phone calls and knocks on their doors.

In short, if a homeowner is behind on payments, you can be prepared for a major fight for his attention. Just imagine for a moment that person sitting at his kitchen table plowing through a pile of letters from lawyers, bill collectors and investors. Your mailing piece is just one of many that goes straight to the garbage can. You must find a way to differentiate yourself from the investment crowds. Here's an idea that will put you ahead of the competition.

The Only Ethical Way To Approach Foreclosure Investing. Truth be told, for most people who are behind on mortgage payments and in danger of losing their home - talking to a real estate investor about selling the home is the very last thing on their mind. They often perceive foreclosure investors as sharks taking advantage of their situation.

So, if you want your phone to ring with people in foreclosure, contact them with an offer to keep the home.

Three-Step Highly Profitable Foreclosure Investing Strategy That Stars With An Offer To Keep Homeowners Facing Foreclosure In Their Home. First, trying to help a family in financial trouble is the ethical thing to do. You'll be preserving the American Dream.

Also by going about things this way, you can also make a profit. You should offer to help the homeowner negotiate a payment plan via their lenders loss mitigation department. Of course, you can charge a fee for this service as well. There are a lot of opportunities to offer this service currently, since so many homeowners are looking at foreclosure. You can get a list of contacts in the loss mitigation departments of mortgage lenders all over the country.

Last but not least, this is also a highly profitable route to foreclosure investing. In many cases, the loss mitigation process will not work out for the homeowners and you will end up buying their home anyway. And whom will the homeowner turn to when they find that their best option is to sell? You guessed it, the foreclosure investor who tried to help them keep their home. Thats how the cookie crumbles back to foreclosure investing.

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