Do You Know What Prepaid Credit Cards Are?
Credit can be a touchy subject for many individuals. Often it can be quite difficult to be approved for a traditional credit card. Perhaps you have had a poor credit history in the past, or perhaps your problem is that you just haven't had any credit history yet. Whatever your circumstances are it can feel downright degrading to get rejected for a credit card. However, there is a way that you can start building your credit rating and give you the flexibility that a credit card affords you, and that is by getting yourself a prepaid credit card.
But how does a prepaid credit card actually work? It is essentially an account into which you can deposit money and access it by using the card to make purchases. You can use a prepaid credit card anywhere that credit cards are accepted. Unlike a traditional card, however, you can only make purchases after you have deposited money in your account. There is a spending limit just as with a traditional charge card, but with a prepaid card, this limit is the amount which you have put on your account.
There are a number of benefits to having a prepaid credit card. You'll have the same freedom that you would with any credit card. Your prepaid card can be used anywhere that credit cards of any kind are accepted.
Prepaid credit cards are also a great way to keep a handle on your spending habits. Since you can only buy what you have already deposited enough to afford, you are keeping yourself from overspending and getting into credit card debt. A prepaid credit card is also a good learning tool which can show you how to manage your finances.
Additionally, a prepaid credit card will give you the peace of mind that no one is going to be able to get a hold of your credit card numbers. This way, if you're purchasing things over the phone or internet you can rest assured that no one will have any way to access your other accounts and money.
How do you get a prepaid credit card? You'll have to pay a fee to set up the account; this is usually somewhere between $5-$10. There are also some small fees associated with deposits as well. These fees are small, but well worth it to control your spending and help build your credit.
There's no escaping it; our society runs on credit. You need a credit card to do just about anything these days. You need a credit card just to function these days. If you are working with bad credit, an insufficient credit history or just trying to manage your spending, then a prepaid credit card may be the answer for you.
But how does a prepaid credit card actually work? It is essentially an account into which you can deposit money and access it by using the card to make purchases. You can use a prepaid credit card anywhere that credit cards are accepted. Unlike a traditional card, however, you can only make purchases after you have deposited money in your account. There is a spending limit just as with a traditional charge card, but with a prepaid card, this limit is the amount which you have put on your account.
There are a number of benefits to having a prepaid credit card. You'll have the same freedom that you would with any credit card. Your prepaid card can be used anywhere that credit cards of any kind are accepted.
Prepaid credit cards are also a great way to keep a handle on your spending habits. Since you can only buy what you have already deposited enough to afford, you are keeping yourself from overspending and getting into credit card debt. A prepaid credit card is also a good learning tool which can show you how to manage your finances.
Additionally, a prepaid credit card will give you the peace of mind that no one is going to be able to get a hold of your credit card numbers. This way, if you're purchasing things over the phone or internet you can rest assured that no one will have any way to access your other accounts and money.
How do you get a prepaid credit card? You'll have to pay a fee to set up the account; this is usually somewhere between $5-$10. There are also some small fees associated with deposits as well. These fees are small, but well worth it to control your spending and help build your credit.
There's no escaping it; our society runs on credit. You need a credit card to do just about anything these days. You need a credit card just to function these days. If you are working with bad credit, an insufficient credit history or just trying to manage your spending, then a prepaid credit card may be the answer for you.
About the Author:
Steven J. Talrechi is an expert on credit and finance for 12 years. He authors various topics on said field, including applying for a credit card, and different credit card offers.
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