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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Retirement Life - Plan Ahead For Greater Satisfaction

By Michael Geoffrey

Retirement changes your life dramatically. Some who have reached retirement age realize that though they were financially prepared to care for themselves throughout their retirement they were not mentally and emotionally prepared for this major change in their daily life. It is important to plan not only your finances but also your life.

When you are accustomed to going to work every day you may find it difficult to fill your time with home repairs, housework or yard work. Your "to do" list will just keep getting shorter and shorter.

Of course people who have worked hard throughout their lives deserve to rest in their retirement. However, some find that they need something to fill their time. They are not ready to simply stay at home. They would like to continue to use the knowledge and skills they acquired over the years in a productive way. For these people good retirement life planning can help them examine factors to help them determine what options are available to them during after they have retired.

Everyone lives by certain principals that govern his or her life and decisions. Each individual over the course of his life has set these established these principals and lives by them. When planning your life during your retirement years the principals that govern your life will help you determine what things will take precedence in your retirement.

Rekindling Passions In Life

Most of us have many dreams of things we would like to accomplish in life. Most of us have also had to put some of our dreams on hold as we cared for our families and our financial responsibilities. Work has a way of eating our time and getting in the way of our dreams. But retirement is a time to dust off those old dreams and begin to work to accomplish the things we always wanted to do but never had time for.

After a number of years on the job, there is experience that can be shared with others just beginning their work phase of life. By sharing management skills with others they can learn from you and you can feel the gratification of helping others.

Actively helping others is a good way to have a fulfilling retirement. There are volunteers needed in almost every area, especially in the field of medicine. Volunteering your time and experience creates a wonderful feeling of satisfaction.

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