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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Making Cents From Theta Decay You Can Do It Too

By Walter Fox

There are as many option trading systems out there as there are bright young traders looking to make a buck. Unfortunately, not all systems are made equal. Choosing the wrong one, or using it incorrectly, could lose you a substantial chunk of your hard-earned capital.

A widely touted stock option trading strategy out there in common use today is the idea of "theta decay." At first glance, the name isn't indicative of something positive, but in reality, the concept capitalizes on a well known fact about option trading - options expire on a set date.

This means that options do not have a fixed value. Instead, their value changes as the expiration date draws near. Analysis of option trading trends shows that price spread is greater closer to the issuance date. As the strike date approaches, the spread decreases.

Theta decay analysis is able to serve as the basis for an option trading system because, compared with stocks, options are much more information-rich. The existence of an expiration date gives options traders the information foothold they need. Big gains can result for those able to keep up with the brisk flow of options information.

How does one benefit from theta decay in their stock option trading system? The answer is simple - you take advantage of the time value of money, and its tendency to change faster closer to the expiration date. Analysis shows that the time value of an option drops linearly until the last thirty or so trading days prior to expiration.

It is those last thirty days when theta decay techniques are most effective. During those last thirty days, the rate of descent for the time value becomes steeper. But you can profit from this accelerated loss by holding the right positions.

By holding a short position in an option that is close to expiration while selling an inverse call option, you can capitalize on the vale loss in a couple of ways. You can make money by selling the call at a premium to what the actual value is, and can make money on the short position so long as the option fails to finish in the money on the positive side.

If you get your timing right and keep an eagle eye out for option information, theta decay is a useful tool to employ with your stock options trading. As with any system, there is always the possibility of losing your principal through incautious application of the technique. However, if you are attuned to the market and carefully scrutinize expiration dates, you can easily find yourself making money with this effective and under-utilized strategy.

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